Lunch with mom

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Lena's: POV
I had a early doctor's appointment with the obsertian
to make sure the babies were okay she ran a bunch of tests. I got to see my daughter and son on the untrsound
Again, Dr. Joy that were growing nicely she asks me generally questions such as have l been experiencing any headaches, nunsea vomiting fatigue. My response has always been the same. She took some measurements of my growing belly and wrote down notes in my file, as you know Lena this is a high risk pregnancy due to your sugar diabetes, we need to keep a close eye on things. So we don't run into any complications. I want you to limit stress much as possible, listen to your body and rest when you need to. So far everything looks great, the babies are position where they need to be. Please drink plenty of water, eight glasses a day. The reason why l'm saying this
We discovered in your urine you have UTI so l'm writing you a prescription for amoxicillin take it for ten days
Make sure you eat something when taking this medication
I'm on giving you 300mgs it's very important you take it every day. Your blood pressure is in the normal range
Over rall your in perfect shape, l wanna see you again in two weeks. Watch your sugar intake and check glucose after each meal, Dr. Joy says to me and then she hands me my prescription. Lena l will meet you out front she tells me, l get down off the table and placed the pictures of the songram, in my purse and walked out the door and headed down to the front desk where Dr. Joy was at the counter, looking at the computer Lena l can see on September fifteen at 11:30 in the morning or l can schedule you for another date she said. That's fine
I said to Dr. Joy, she hands me the appointment card
Lena walks out the office and head down the hall
Mom texted me earlier and wanted to get together for lunch, we tried to do lunch once a month due to her schedule at the University where she teaches English
She's retiring in two years. Daddy has already retired a year ago but he goes in time to time, mother said it was important. I hope everything's alright, l'm not sure why l feel something's not right. I walk out to my car
Unlock the doors and get on inside l stuck the key in ignition and start the engine and pulled out of the parking lot. And got to the expressway, mom has been my rock these few years. I remember we didn't see eye to eye
When I lived in San Francisco, we had a big blow up
Over her inferring in my personal life. She had set up on a blind date with one of her colleagues daughter which turned out to be a disaster this was way before l met Stef
All the woman could talk about was herself on our date
She was expecting me to pay for my own meal. Keisha was the most self centered woman l ever met, she's works as corporate lawyer on wall street. There was no attraction on my end, it wasn't before I pulled up to the Italian restaurant mom choose for us to have lunch at. I hope the girls aren't giving Stef any trouble especially Ariana
She's Stef's many me, Ariana is Stef's child she has her mannerisms. I parked the car and went inside walked up to the counter, l let the hostess know the reservations was under the name Adams. The young woman looks up the information in the computer, she picks up a menu along with some silverware. I followed her outside where my mother was sitting down drinking a glass of wine,
The woman the stuff on the table, mom Lena said
Daring l was wondering when you were gonna get here
How's everything been going at the bakery my mom asks me. Things are okay so what's up your message sounded important, Lena gets straight to the point and doesn't beat behind the bush. Sweetheart your just like your father
Dana States, the waitress comes over to take Lena's drink order. Lena requested a glass of ice water with lemon
Are you ready to order yet she asked us, no we aren't quite ready l told Lizzy. Oh well l will be back shortly your drink, Lena that was no way talking to that poor girl
She was only doing her job mom stated. Bull shit
I didn't like her attitude rushing us to order any way back to the conversation we were about to have before we got rudely interrupted Lena responds, ok then l had a meeting with my boss last week while you guys were on vacation. Dr. Miller is sending me to London for a year to teach mother Tells me, congratulations when is all this supposed to be taken place does Daddy know about this
Lena questions. Honey he knows and your dad is on board with me teaching for a year, l won't be leaving until March of next year. I'll be here when you have the twins
I know this news is the last thing you expected Dana responds, yes it is Lena replies. Lizzy returns to our table
And sits my ice water down and takes out her pad and pen to take our lunch orders. I requested a garden salad and my main course, l went with the pasta and mom
Decided on getting the baked ziti and mom gave Lizzy the menus and she left to put our orders in. I told mom how my visit at the doctor's office went, have you and Stef
Decided when you are planning on buying baby furniture for the nursery my mother says me. We're already ordered everything, we need. I just have buy the car seat stroller clothes blankets, bedding and a bunch of other stuff. I wrote out my list Lena replies, leave some room for your father and I. He's excited to be having a grand son, Dana said. I'm sure he is Lena told her mother

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