unexpected visitor

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Stef's: POV
These few months have been crazy the twins are five months old. Their beginning to explore which meant l had to baby poof the house, to keep them from getting into things. Francesca and Ariana are doing really well in school. Business is going pretty good, l have four new clients, the best news of all Lena is pregnant again
She's twelve weeks. She's been experiencing the worst case of morning sickness. Out of all our children
She's never had this bad before, the doctor has her on anti nausea medicine, it seems to be helping quite a bit
Lena upstairs to putting the babies down for there afternoon nap. The door bell rings l look at the camera
And I don't see anybody, l go answered the door oh my God dad what are you doing here l said to my father in law. I gave him a big hug and helped him carry his luggage inside, Dad where's Dana Stef asks Stuart
She's still in London l missed my grandchildren and my daughter's he says to me. Lena's gonna flip once she finds out your here especially the girls, we weren't expecting you guys for another few months. Stef said that was the plan, the Dean at the college where Dana was teaching at
Offered a full time position so of course we got into a huge augment about it, she signed the contract without talking to me about it. I took the first flight back here Stuart tells me, l'm sorry to hear that dad Stef replied. Yeah me too
But it's okay l'm gonna have to get use to not having my wife in another country, can I get you anything to eat or drink. Lena made a rotisserie chicken breast mashed potatoes and broccoli Stef states. Maybe l'll have something in a little while so tell me what's been happening since we've been gone he asks me
The babies have grown a lot they're five months
And Lena is expecting again Stef says to her father in law
It seems like you too have extremely busy lately Stuart smirks at me. You've made my daughter so happy
I had my reservations about you in the beginning that's when I got to know you and all the wonderful things Lena said about you and l see you two raised a family together
Makes me feel lucky to be grandfather. I'm sure Dana feels the same way even when she doesn't say it, l know Lena thinks her mother isn't proud of her success as a pastry chef and author. Lena and Dana have come along way these last few years, he tells me. I'm blessed to have Lena in my life, she's an extraordinary woman with a heart of gold. She's the best thing that's ever happened to me
Lena has seen me at my worse. After I told her about my mother's mental illness, l thought she was going to leave me, instead she stuck by me even when my mother said some pretty nasty things to Lena in front of the girls
Lena stood her ground and gave my mom a piece of her mind Stef States. that's my Lena has always been out spoken and she isn't afraid of speaking her mind
Lena's been like that since she younger Stuart speaks

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