baby Amara enters the world

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Stef's: POV
It's hard to believe our little girl Amara Grace foster Adams. Enter the world at 5:30 Am this morning weighing
7pounds and 11 ounces, 24 inches long. Lena was in labor for thirteen hours, this time she wanted to epidural due to the intense pain, in the end it was all worth it our family is finally complete. I must admit we make some beautiful babies together, they all have Lena's wild curly hair
Amara has sandy brown hair and grey eyes. She's a little lighter than the rest of our children, l can't believe Amara has my nose and mouth. There's no way you can't deny she's our angel, l just finished giving her a bath and dressing her up. Lena's sleeping so peaceful
Lena will be discharged in a few days, her doctor wants to make sure she's feeling ok before releasing her. This little girl is has a quite a grip on my finger, she's already been feed. I walked over by the window with Amara in my arms, l know she can't see right now. I talked to her some
She turns her head facing me, she knows our voices
Stuart's at the house with the kids. I sent him pictures of the baby, l know he's gonna go out and buy a bunch of stuff for Amara. He did the same thing with all our other children, Stuart always makes sure not to leave the others out. I'm sure he will send Dana pictures of Amara
She sent a bunch of care packages for each of the kids
They all received three boxes a piece. Who would believe we have five children now, sometimes I feel like l'm dreaming. When I look at their faces and see it's real
I never thought my life would turned out this way
It seems like yesterday I walked into Lena's bakery in San Francisco and met the woman of my dreams that gave me a family, l remember going to work and coming home to a empty apartment asking the universe to send me the perfect woman and it led right to Lena's pastry shop
I thanked God for her and our family everyday.
Amara has manage to fall asleep in my arms, l guess
My story on how l met her mommy bored her to sleep
I'm looking forward to the next chapter in our lives together. The twins are nine months old and Francesca who will be nine in a couple of weeks and Ariana is five
I treasure these years with all our children. I wish I could just freeze time for a while so they won't have to grow up so fast, little did l know the ancient Gods heard my pled
Lena always reminds me not to make wishes out loud
I never realized what she meant by that. The subconscious mind is a powerful thing, l lay Amara down in the bassinet that the hospital provided. I write Lena a note saying that l'm going go get freshen up, l wheel Amara beside Lena's bed. I leave the paper on the table
I kiss her and Amara on the head, l grabbed my over night bag. Then I walk out her private room and head all the way down to the empty room where there's showers and everything.

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