boarding the Disney boat

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Lena's: POV
After being on the plane for the three hours we landed successfully at arrival destination. We're standing in line awaiting to the board the largest boat l've seen before
There's over five hundred passengers lined up to get on the cruise ship. After the brochure on the plane
The boat will make stops in Nassau Bahamas, Hawaii key West, new Orleans and Miami. We would only spend a day at each destination and then Port to our city. The ship has thirdteen floors, with plenty of activities for the kids to enjoy. They even have things for adults to do on board
I'm sure Ariana will have a blast once she finds out Mickey and Minnie mouse supposed to make an appearance
Stef hands the cruise director our boarding passes
We take our time climbing the steps. We're we greeted by Amy one of the staff members on board, she takes us to our cabins. We followed her on back,We had to take flight of stairs. to get to room, where on the upper deck
Which is on the second floor, she gives me four key cards
The girls rooms are right next store to ours. We enter inside their suite, it has bunk beds in the bedrooms
I went to go check out the bathroom. It had a small kid shower, adjusted to each child's height and two bath robes. With the Disney logo on it, Frankie's persistent
On saying this is for babies, that child doesn't know what she's in for. I'm sure she'll change her mind after a day on so, l came back out and see Stef helping the girls unpack there belongings. They have a perfect view outside their window, l see other people getting on board Ariana's taking it all in. We're due to pulled out another hour or so
I'm looking forward to taking ton of pictures with my new cannon digital camera, they even have there very flat screen television. Built into the wall, l swear these people think somebody would steal a TV off a crowded boat
Full of employees. I said to myself, we talked with Frankie and Ariana about the rules we set in place for them
We leave the room and go get settled in ours.
I gave Stef her key card to hold to, she inserted it into the door and automatically opens up. I walk inside
Stef's pulling along our suitcases on wheels, l was completely out breath from taking the steps up to the room. We had a mini size fridge in the living room
That had a love seat couch with a wooden coffee table
I sat down and put my feet up, and leaned my head back close my eyes. I feel Stef take a seat beside me taking my hand in hers, the purfume she had on was making me
Hot and bothered, l know l have some self control
We haven't even been on here a whole day yet.
And l'm craving her like a drug. Baby l'm gonna go take a shower to cool down and rest up before dinner, l tell her
As l get up from the sofa, Do you want any company
She asks me. Sure why not Lena replies, Stef follows me to the bedroom we're the master bathroom was. Babe can please bring my suitcase to the room, Lena asked Stef
She goes to get the luggage. While I changed out of my clothes, and put on the robe, and sat down on the bed and
pulled up my hair in a messy bun. I folded the outfit l had on earlier, Stef came to our room with the bags.
I brought you something to drink for when you get thirsty
Stef said, thank you baby for taking such good care of
Me, l told her. You don't need to thanked me
Your the mother to my children and l would do anything for you, and help relax any way l can she winks at me
I felt my heart flutter, she always has this affect over me
I unzipped my suitcase and take a set of clean clothes out
Along with some bra and panties. I sit down next to me
Stef does the same thing, l didn't realize that there was another door. That's funny it wasn't their before
Babe on the other side of that door is the girls room
Stef tells me, we can hear the TV up and Ariana singing
Let it go from the movie frozen. Lord give me strength
This week, l mutter to my self. Stef just shakes her head
I'm glad you find this amusing Stephanie. Come on love
She's excited, it's not often we take a family trip to Disney on a boat. Stef says to me, Ariana is just like you when she gets excited. Lena says to her wife, how so l asked Lena
When we found out the gender of the twins you were jumping up and down like a big kid Lena States.
Hey don't pin this all on me sweetie, your one who couldn't stop staring at the untrsound picture Stef told Lena. I gathered my things to take in the bathroom
I turned on the water for the shower, while it was heating up. I feel Stef come up behind me and planted kisses on my neck, l try not to moan to loud she reaches down to untie my robe and she kisses my bare shoulder. This is how we got into this situation to begin with, Lena turns facing Stef. I didn't hear you complaining mm Stef explains, ssh and make love to me in the shower and don't make so much noise. Lena pulls the door open then steps inside,

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