arriving at the cabin

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Lena's: POV
I packed up the kids things and mine we've been on the road since 8:00 this morning. I needed some space away from Stef, l know that I should talk to her before we left
Francesca has been asking her mama for the past hour
Ariana was in her own world and the babies were asleep
Maybe in a few days l'll go back home, my wife can be stubborn at times. I know it wasn't right for me to leave and take the kids with me, it wasn't my intention to up and go. The logical part of my brain is telling me give her time, we had arguments in the past and we made up three days later once we had calmed down. But this time felt different, all l wanted is to be there for her but no she pushed me away and hurt to see my wife pulled away
We stood at the altar pledging our love to each other
On our wedding Day in front of everyone, whatever goes on with Stef is much deeper than l can comprehend
I know she struggles with opening up to people but l never expected for her to shut me out completely
Mommy we are gonna go back home what if mama is worried about we're are Francesca said. Honey your mama will be fine, you're see her in a couple days alright
Lena tells her daughter. Mommy l'm hungry Ariana says
Baby we're almost at the cabin and then l'll make some dinner for us Lena told Ariana, l looked through the rear view mirror and see Christopher who's looking around
We turned down the next road and l roll my window down to key in the code to open up the gate. It opens up
We drive on through up the hill, of course I had to bring snowy and cocoa along Ariana is so attached to snowy it's ridiculous. I parked the car in front of the house and turn off the engine, baby can you help with the bags Lena asked Francesca. I got out the vehicle and walked up the steps. I disabled the alarm before going in to turn on the lights, l laid my bag down and go back out the house
Francesca walks pass me carrying hers and Ariana's suit cases. I unbuckle the seats belts from the twins car seats
Ariana carriers one of the doggie carriers inside, Francesca came back out to get her baby sister out the seat, l always told the kids to never be walk away from their problems and here l am doing the same thing
I told them not to do l'm trying to hold together for the stake of my children if they won't here l would have broke down long already. Everything will be okay and a few days l'll return back home again once l calm down after unloading the car l lock it up and head into the house and get started on dinner for me and the kids, l see Francesca talking on her cellphone l know she's calling Stef who must be worried out of her mind severs her right for the way she acted towards me last night every thing was fine and then switched into a different person. Mommy l called mama and let her know we were okay and I told her we'll be back in a couple days Francesca said,
Honey it's okay l'm not mad you called momma Lena States. She was at work but she told me she'll call me when she gets home Francesca informed me, Francesca whatever's going on between mama and I has nothing to do with you and your siblings sometimes adults have disagreements and they say things when their upset, so l don't want to worry about anything your mom and I just need some space for each other. Lena tries to reassure Francesca, are you gonna get a divorce mommy l don't want you guys to spilt up Francesca start crying l stop what l'm doing, baby nobody's getting a divorce because l love your Mom very much we just need to sort out a few things alright Lena hopes that's enough to ease Francesca's fears. The word divorce never enter my mind

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