Getting glamed up

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Stef's: POV
I was sitting in the salon chair getting my hair colored
Amy the young woman who was looking in the magazine
For a style to do my hair in. The timer was set while the chemical process through my roots, l have always been a natural blonde so l decided to try a strawberry blonde
Amy did a patch test first to see how it look on me
It came out looking more like a golden blonde, the timer
Went off and we headed over towards the shampoo bowl
I sat in the chair Amy removed the foil from my hair
Turned on the water, waited for it to warm up some
Lena and I have been texting back and forth for the past forty five minutes. She said that she just sat down in the chair, and the girls along with Dana were getting their shampooed. Amy washed my hair twice and applied the conditioner in, she left in for a few minutes then rise it out. Amy wrapped a towel around my head, l went over
Took my seat in the chair. Amy plugged in the blow dryer
She removed the towel, she put it around my shoulders
Amy begins combining out my hair to get the tangles out
She trims the dead ends. After Amy got finished
Amy turns on blow dryer, she uses the brush to straighten out my long hair. It's been a long time since I had my hair professionally done, l hope it's not too hot on your scalp
Amy says to me. Just a little bit l answered back, Amy begin to tell me how she got started as a hair stylist
Amy said always knew what she wanted to do when
Graduated from high school at sixteen she went to straight to cosmetology school and finished in eighteen months. Amy that's impressive Stef says to the young woman, after she done drying my hair. Amy hooked up the flat iron and curling iron, she asked me questions about myself. I told her as little as possible, l have a degree in business management and accounting
I work as a financial advisor Stef explains to Amy
Stef kept the conversation lite. Amy parted my hair
in sections, she began straighten out each strand of my hair. I wonder how Lena's making out, Lena has a lot hair so does our girls. Amy finished flat ironing my hair
Now she clipped my hair so she could use the curlier iron
to give Shirley temple spiral curls. My hair hangs pass my shoulders, Amy too her time doing my hair. I needed to swing by the mall and pick up some concealer and foundation. I already gotten my eye brows wax
When Lena and I went to the Day spa, Lena got her nails, toes. Done, she even got a bikini Wax l can't she went through with it, l rather do mines myself. Cause something private that shouldn't be shared with another person. Lena has always been confident with in her body
All done Amy says to me, she turns the chair around so
I'm facing the big mirror. I looked at myself she did an amazing job on my hair, l never felt more beautiful than I did in that moment. Thank you so much Amy how much do I owe you, l asked her. 85.00 is total for everything
She tells me. I unzipped my fanny pack and pulled out
A one hundred dollar bill and handed it to her, she removes the cape from around my neck. I excused myself to go and use the restroom before I leave, l checked the time. It was 12:00pm in the afternoon. After using the bathroom l flush the toilet and washed my hands
I looked at myself in the mirror, l become emotional and started crying. This was so not me, l usually can suppressed my emotions in check. But this experience is all new to me, the last time I cried is when Lena gave birth to our little girls and before that when l loss my Dad
I came out the bathroom to see Amy sweeping the hair up
Okay Amy thank you again. When I come in town again
I will make sure l swing through so you can do my hair
I have your business card, l need to get going and run some errands Stef said to the young woman. I'll be expecting take care Ms. Stef Amy says as l walk outside
Towards the van, unlocking the doors. I got in fasten my seat belt started up the engine and drove off,

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