stuck in a warp zone

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I'm trying to remember everything about the night l went to that upscale club in downtown San Diego. The only thing sticks out in my mind was that guy kept hitting on me, why did I have to leave my drink on the counter of that damn bar table. I heard rape victims never fully recover from the assault l'm never thought l would land in this situation, l was always careful taking in my surroundings. I called Mariana to bring me some clothes up to the hospital, there's no telling what my sister is gonna say once she gets here from Manhattan New York
Every time I close my eyes l see their faces. I felt their breath on my neck even though I was unconscious
I can hear can feel them enter inside me, at least their DNA evidence from the rape kit. I wish the doctor would let me take a shower and get smell off of me, and l have to lay in this bed hook up to an IV. I can't even use the bathroom, the nurse gave me a morning after pill and a list of other medicine to prevent sexual transmitted diseases. At least I was on the pill and I can't become pregnant, no child shouldn't be put through that sort torture. I feel so worthless and alone, l'm feeling trapped in my own mind, that I didn't hear a knock on the door
Come in l said in a raspy voice. Mariana enter inside carrying my large coach bag, hey cals I bought you some of the things you asked for. She says to me, thanks Mari
I really appreciate you coming down l know that you probably have better stuff to do Callie said, don't do that
You know I would do anything for my best friend. And tell me what the hell happened to you Mariana asked, l really don't wanna talk about it right now l'm trying to process everything Callie explains. I totally understand just so you
I'm here if you need a shoulder to lean on Mariana States in a concern tone, as she takes a seat beside Callie's bed
She notices the marks on her friends on neck and both of her wrist. How long are they gonna keep you here Mariana inquiries, Dr. Warren wants me to stay a few more days so she can closely monitor me Callie said
I think your doctor just wants to make sure everything's okay before she discharge. Did you call your sister who lives in new York Mariana asks me, no l asked Dr. Warren to call for me Callie tells her friend. Mari l feel so stupid for going out to that upscale club by myself even when you tried to warned me Callie begins to cry Mariana climbs up on the bed to comfort her best friend who she sees like a big sister. Mariana hugs Callie tight, Mari feels her own eyes water. Callie instant pulls away from Mariana's, cause she didn't feel right that her friend comforting her, Mari noticed the sudden change in her friends demeanor. to say Mariana's feelings wasn't hurt
Was a understatement, but she respected Callie's boundaries and went back to her seat. I was thinking about going get something to eat from the diner down the road Mariana States, you can go l don't have much of an appetite these days Callie replied. Cals you need to eat before you get sick, Mariana Stated. Are you deaf or something l just told you l'm not fucking hungry Callie snaps. Mariana knew Callie didn't mean it, the girl grabs her bag and leaves Callie's room. Mariana begins to cry  

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