a little family gathering

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Stef's: POV
We're decided to have a little family gathering here at the house. Lena and Dana cooking in the kitchen while me and Stuart are outside warming up the grill, we've went out to the market and brought a bunch of groceries
I called Addison and invited her and her family over for
Cook out. She gladly accepted my offer Frankie and Ariana were out in a backyard in the pool, Mariah lives an hour away. I haven't told Lena and the girls we're having guests over, Lena's doing a lot better she's been taking easy the last few days next weekend is our bridal shower
At the San Francisco county club. Addison's throwing us
I head in the house to get the season meat from the refrigerator, Lena's chopping some celery and onions for her famous chicken salad, Dana's making a salmon salad
Babe how's everything going out there Lena asks me
Well Dad and I finally got the grill up and running
Now we can put the chicken, salmon those chicken burgers you love so much with that special sauce you make. Plus those kielbasa sausage Frankie likes
By the way I invited Addison and her family over,
Stef says. Lena rolled her eyes at the mention of Addison's name, Stef knew now wasn't the time to ask Lena what her issue was with her best friend. Stef figures it is best to leave be, Dana looked up and shook her head. Stef took the long tray with the meat and went back outside, and handed it to Stuart. Stef went to check on the girls
Who were playing in the pool, they were going down the slide. I just sat in the lounge chair and watched them play
There so full of life. I remember when I was a little girl
I use to run around the yard and my father would chase after me, God l miss that man so much but I know he's looking down on me. Mom on the other hand
is going through her own situation and I can't be a part of that, l haven't spoken to her in quite some time
Hopefully she's taking her medication and getting better
Callie l don't know what the hell is she doing these days
She writes every so often. There's no forwarding address on the envelopes, it's like she doesn't want us knowing where she is. I hear the bell ringing all the way
All the way our here, it must be Addison Mariah and her daughter's. l see Madison and Zara come out in shorts and their bathing suits, Frankie gets out the pool and see the girls. She walks over towards them Madison what are you guys doing here Francesca said, your momma called
And said they were having a barbecue and invited us
to come over so here we are. Madison says
I'm glad your here, do you bring your swimming clothes
Frankie asks her best friend. Yeah come show me your room so l can get changed, Madison answers, The three girls heading inside the house leaving Zara Ariana Stuart and Stef out back. The women were in the kitchen talking to Lena's mom, while went to the store for a bag of ice
When Lena came back carrying three big bags of ice
She saw that everyone outside from the front window
I dumped the ice in the cooler. Stef comes in the house and tell all the food was ready, baby what's going on
She asks me. love l'm fine l just happy we can spend time with our family Lena tells me, l miss being here again
Since you funish the whole house. Mom and I had a deep conversation a few days ago, Frankie told mom about some of the things your mother said when she came out and visited. Francesca was rather hurt about when she mentioned you not being her biological mom, and l was a little taken back by Sharon's behavior she didn't just upset our daughter she hurt me as well. That was before you told me about her condition, Lena tells me
I had no idea my daughter and my wife to be was feeling this way about by what my mother said that day. Babe why didn't you come and talk to me Stef question, honey you already had enough on your plate and l didn't wanna add anything else on your plate. Lena said, l walked closer to Lena and took both of her hands and both them up to my lips and kissed them, baby l don't want you to never to feel like you can't come and talk to me, we are partners in life and we're gonna be married soon. And don't wait until things get this bad without speaking to me first now l see why you've been so stressed out lately, Stef says. Baby l hear what your saying and everything but I need to have my back sometimes that night you didn't defend me
What your mom was taking jabs at me in front of our children. Lena Stated, l apologize from the bottom of my heart. Stef States, my love l accept your apology and now let's go eat Lena replies. I pulled the cooler along with us

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