An emotional send off

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Lena's: POV
Today was finally here and we all were at the JFK international airport waiting for my parents to plane to arrive. I told my myself l wouldn't cry and haven't so far yet, we went out and had nice breakfast before arriving at terminal. The girls were able say goodbye to their grandparents, even though it was a school day
They were hugs and kisses from mom and dad
We bundle up both babies and brought them along for the ride. There was so many people in the lounge area in the airport, luckily for my mom purchased first class tickets to London. The time difference slightly different from New York, l see Stef and Daddy having a conversation over in the corner. Mom is busy talking to Harmony and Christopher, who barely understand what's going on
I'm sitting here with my hands folded in my lap quiet as a mouse. I get like this when someone leaves, l wasn't like this when Addy left to go back home, after speaking to Alex yesterday who slipped up and spilled the beans
That Addison is engaged to Erica, l had no words
The only thing l could say is that l wished her nothing but pure happiness. Apparently she's happy, we haven't spoken in a while, l tried not to think about the confrontation the day she left. I don't feel guilty for speaking the truth, sounds coming from the loud speaker
Announcing in coming flights that pulled up to pick passsagers. People being walking towards the gate
The plane that goes to London hasn't came in yet
I looked up on the board and it's saying a hour delay which is not to bad, these are a few patrons left in the airport lounge. Oh boy Harmony begins to cry
Lena lifted her out of the carrier and excuse herself and headed to the ladies room to change Harmony and nurse
Lena was kinda glad the bathroom had a separate room where she could feed harmony in private without strangers staring at her while she breast fed her baby
Lena throw a receiving blanket over her shoulder
Harmony sucked gently on her nipple she cradled the new born in her arms. Christopher was already feed three hours ago, Harmony was asleep when this activity was taken place. Lena looks down at her watch to check the time, hopefully there's no issues with mom and Dad's flight. Stef realize Lena's been gone for over twenty minutes, l stood up and begin walking towards the bathroom. Stef let me go instead l believe my daughter's is a difficult time because she knows where leaving, ever since she was a little girl Lena would hide out either the closet or something where around our house. When I would find Lena she was crying because l needed to go out of town for work and now she's reverted back to that little girl again Dana says to Stef, the blonde just nodded her head. Stef has always been super protected when it came to Lena's feelings, Stuart was holding Christopher in his arms. Dana enter the restroom and found it empty
Then she saw another room and she heard Lena singing to Harmony, Dana's eyes began water. The older woman knocked on the door. Lena sweetheart it's me Dana said
Mommy l'll be right out in a second, Lena just finished changing Harmony's pamper. Lena put harmony back in the baby carrier, Lena washed her hands in the sink
Once she was through she fixed her makeup. She lifted up the carrier and came out the restroom Lena saw her mother standing outside the door waiting. Honey l know your sad where leaving Dana tries to reassure her daughter, mother l'm fine okay so stop worrying about me. I know you love what you do and how can be upset that your going away for a whole year l've made my peace with it. So if you don't mind l need to get back over to my wife and son Lena walks away, Dana doesn't want to have an argument in a crowded airport with dozens of people around. There's another announcement over the speaker
Attention all passsagers flights to Paris France London
Please line up at gate 27 and make sure to have your boarding passes and passbooks out the man Stated
Dana headed over near her husband who was giving Stef a hug. Once Stuart was done hugging Stef he went to hug his baby girl, princess l'm gonna miss you Stuart says to Lena. As the older man hugged her tight, Daddy l'm gonna miss you as well Lena States. Dana was waiting for her hug from the daughter, even though Dana could be non affectionate at times towards Lena she gave Lena a small hug. As Lena and Stef watched Dana and Stuart head over to stand in line with the other passsagers, babe it's okay to feel emotional Stef told her wife. I have this awful feeling in the pit of my stomach there not gonna come back
Lena tells Stef, how do know that for certain Stef questions. Lena didn't comment, come on let's get these babies home Lena States, Stef was left clueless by Lena's revelation. Stef picked up the baby carrier and Lena took the other one as they walked through the airport terminal

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