Dinner guess

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Callie's: POV
After leaving Stephanie's house l went on to the hotel where l'm staying at for a few days. All l keep hearing my sister say l need to get my shit together replay over and over in my mind, l wonder how she knew about me working as a escort. I knew l've been distant lately for not visiting with my family more, l made a promise to Stefanie l would be back over her place for dinner
I already had my shower earlier. Truthfully I don't know how this dinner is gonna play out this evening, l took out my faded glory black jeans out my suitcase and my red top. I wish Mariana would have came along with me on this trip, but her and Sam ended going to key west
I don't see what mari sees Sam. Her girlfriend controlling demands all Mariana's attention, she's always over at our place 24/7. And attitude is a whole another story
I don't say anything when Sam comes around, l'm barely home at times. I found a club down in the village they do spoken word and karaoke on Wednesdays Thursday and Friday nights, l change my clothes right quick.
I decided to take my time heading over my sister and sister in laws house. I haven't seen my nieces in ages
Who am I kidding l was supposed to set a good example for them, we'll that's water under the bridge. I tucked my shirt inside my jeans and grabbed my things and head out the door. And down to my car, l unlock the door and get in, fasten up my seat belt. Then started up the engine and pulled out,

Stef's: POV
Since it was such a nice evening out Lena suggested we eat out in backyard. It's a good we invested in a nice patio set
I just got done sitting the table, Lena lit a few citronella candles to keep the bugs away. She made a healthy salad
to go along with the salmon l prepared on the grill earlier
I also cooked some corn on the cob, Lena whipped up a peach cobbler for dessert. She made from scratch
I don't know how she managed to get the biscuits golden brown, Ariana's not feeling well until to getting shots
She ran a slight fever Lena gave her a warm bath and gave her children's Motrin. Ariana ate some chicken noodle soup with stars, something Lena always makes when either of the kids get sick. Now Lena's upstairs showering, Frankie's some where around here doing something. The last time I saw her she was in the basement watching TV, hopefully Callie shows up this time. I didn't tell neither of the girls Callie was coming over for dinner, l hear the dogs barking all the way out here. I wonder who can it be at 6:00 in the evening
I stopped what I was doing to go see who it is
I looked on the camera and see Callie at the main entrance
Stef pressed the button to open up the gates. Callie drives up on the estate. This should be an interesting night
I go to unlock the front door and allow Callie inside the house, hi Callie l'm glad you made it Stef said
Well after that ultimatum you gave me l didn't have much of a choice Stephanie Callie Stated. You can follow me out back, Lena thought it would nice for us have dinner in the backyard Stef says to Callie. What did you guys have you yard deck out cause the last time I was here that fire pit and TV wasn't there Callie asks me. We have it done about a year ago, can I get you anything to drink. There's lemonade wine and water Stef responds. I'll have a glass of wine, where are the girls and Lena Callie replied
Let's see Frankie's around here so where. Ariana's not feeling well due to getting her immunization at the doctor's office and Lena's getting ready Stef tells Callie
I take out the bottle of white wine from the refrigerator
It was nice and chilled luckily it didn't need a cork screw
I grabbed too glasses from the dish drainer and head back out back, l sat everything down on the table. Help yourself
Let me go see what's keeping Lena and Frankie so long
Stef states as she goes back in the house. Francesca your aunt Callie's here, how bout you go outside to keep her company while l go get mommy Stef asked her daughter
Okay momma do you want me to start taking the food out Frankie inquired. Yeah you can take the salad out the fridge along with the salad dressing, and l'll get the fish out the oven Stef explains. I put on oven mitts and take out the aluminum pan out with the salmon inside
I made and covered it up with foil to keep It warm,
We headed back outside. Where Callie was nursing a glass of wine, Frankie sat the salad bowl down in the center of the table. Hi Francesca look how big you got Callie says to her niece, hi aunt Callie Frankie said politely. How old are now kiddo Callie asks. I'm eight going on nine and l will be going to the fourth grade in September, Frankie tells Callie, that's great you were always such a smart child growing up. Callie stated, momma says l take after mommy Frankie replied. Stef watched the inaction between her daughter and sister, the blonde is still not sure how things will play out once Lena comes down
Stephanie can you come here a minute Lena calls from the door way. Stef excuses herself from her guest and goes to see what Lena wants, baby what is it everything alright
Stef responds. There's someone in the living room wanting to see you, Lena replied. Stef walked into the living room and saw a tall older man with brown hair
Holding a brown envelope in his hands, Stephanie l'm sorry for dropping by without calling you first but l got the information you requested. Do you wanna know what l found, the man responded. Yes please tell me Stef replies
Apparently the woman that's working at your wife's bakery is a secret agent and she's been investigating a man by the name of Gerald. I was told by my sources
He's been ripping people off and taking their money
Among other things, the guy explains. Ok but what does my wife's business have to do with any of this Stef tries to keep her temper at bay, well this man has been going around the country telling his customers he was a contractor. When he was a con artist looking to take advantage of women in hopes to woo them with his charm and get them to fall in love, Mr. Collins explains
Son of a bitch Stef mutters under her breath. I appreciate you stopping by with this information Mr. Collins
As Stef shakes his hand, l better going now the gentleman said. Stef sees him out the door, 

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