heading to the hospital

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Stef's: POV
After dropping the girls off at the house with Stuart
I went straight upstairs to get Lena's and the baby's bag
It took us forever to get back to Manhattan due to a heavy traffic jam on the highway. I don't wanna miss the birth of the twins, l know Lena's stir crazy with Dana being there
They get along most of the time at times Dana gets under Lena's skin. I tried to stay out of it majority of the time
I don't have the greatest relationship with my own mother, so l don't judge. I kissed Frankie and Ariana good bye. I headed outside to get in my car and buckle up my seat belt and drove to the hospital, l'm driving the normal speed limit. The women's medical center is only thirty minutes away, who knew the babies were gonna come early. Lena wasn't due for another six weeks, at least we brought everything we needed for Christopher and harmony Elizabeth. We let Francesca and Ariana pick out a name for their baby sister, Lena and I didn't want them to feel left out. It wasn't before long Stef pulls up to the hospital, she parked her car and grabbed the bags from the front seat and headed inside the entrance. Stef walked over to patient registration yes my wife came in early
Lena foster Adams is her name Stef tells the lady, she's up in labor and delivery room number 722 the woman told me. I head down the hallway to take the elevators up to the seventh floor, l tapped my foot cause the elevator was taking so long coming down to the lobby. The doors finally opened up and l stepped on and I pressed the button
I take a deep breath. I don't why l'm so nervous
I've been through this twice already when Lena had Frankie and Ariana, l can't believe we'll have four kids
We both have good jobs and enough money to support our family. Callie has called months and l'm okay with that, l spoke to mom last week. She seems like her old self
I guess the new medication is working. But l can't forgive the nasty things she said to Lena in the presence of our daughter's. Why is this elevator moving so slow, it keeps stopping in between floors to let people on and off
I'm on the seventh floor, l follow the arrows down the hall and look at the room numbers on the doors. I see Dana sitting outside Lena's room, my guess Lena made her leave. Stephanie l'm so glad your here, your wife has got to be the most stubborn woman l have seen just like her father, Dana said. Mom she's probably exhausted from being in Labor and wants to be over with, did you bring Lena here Stef asks. No she drove herself she called me while she driving, man Lena is to independent for her own good sometimes. I understand that she didn't want to call anybody to come and get her, l pushed the door open
And sat the bags down in the chair. Oh my God Stef your here, Lena holds out her hand for me to come over
Baby l'm sorry I took so long to get here l dropped the girls off at the house with your dad. Plus you forgot about your suitcase and the baby's diaper bag Stef said, all that matters is your here now. Come lay with me Lena says to me, l climb up in the bed with Lena. Did Dr. Eden come in and check up on you Stef states, she was here a little while ago. She should be coming back any minute Lena tells me
Can I get you anything to drink Stef asked, no thank you
I just want you to hold me in your arms Lena tells me
Babe just relax and close your eyes and rest Stef told Lena
Stef always knew how to keep Lena calm in the middle of a crisis, Stef hums a little tune she use to sing to the her girls when they were new Born baby's. Knock knock
Stef gets off the bed and sees Lena's doctor and a another woman enter the room, hello Stephanie how are you
Dr. Eden greets me. I'm fine and you Clair Stef replied
This is my nurse she'll be helping me this evening, Clair informs me, she goes to wash her hands, you must be excited. For the birth of your little ones the young woman said to me, oh no these aren't our first we have too children already Stef sets the girl straight, Clair puts a pair of gloves on so she could check to see how well Lena's progressing. Lena makes her way down to the bottom of the bed, the girl gets everything set up. Lena your ten centimeters dilated, Stephanie there's some uniform scrubs in the bathroom l'm sure you don't want to get your clothes messy Dr. Eden informed me. I go to get changed, it doesn't take me long to put the green top and pants. I folded my clothes and come out the restroom
I went to Lena's side. Lena when you feel the next contraction l need to start pushing Dr Eden prepares Lena for delivery, Stef holds Lena's hand as she begins pushing with all her mite. I see the head Lena one more big push on the count of three, baby l know your tired Stef whispers in Lena's ear. Lena pushes once more and everyone hears the sound of the first baby cries Stef goes to cut the umbilical cord, Lena your almost done
Melissa takes the little girl and cleans her up real good
Lena leans back against her wife. Stef wipes the sweat off of Lena's forehead, come on Lena you do this Clair encourages not to give up. The light skinned woman
Begins pushing for the second time again, they hear Christopher crying, Stef goes to cut the umbilical cord
Lena pushes out the after birth. Lena's can barely keep her eyes open to see her precious bundle of joys, Dr. Eden exams both new borns to make sure their okay she weighs them after Melissa gives each baby a sponge bath and get them dressed. Love you did great job delivering our babies, Stef says to Lena. Honey how do that look
Lena questioned Stef, Harmony and Christopher have a hair full of curly hair from what I could see so far
Stef explains. Are you ladies ready to hold your beautiful babies, Clair asks Lena and Stef. Both were over come with joy. This little guy weighs 5 pounds and 7 ounces
And your daughter weighs 8 pounds and 6 ounces
Dr. Eden said to Lena and Stef as she places the twins in each of their mothers arms. Lena kisses her little girl on the cheek, 

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