Night owl

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Lena's: POV
It's only been a few hours since I spoke with my wife
After we talked l went and gave the twins their baths
Read them a story. Took myself a long hot shower
Everybody was down for the count sleeping, so l decided to wait up for Stef to come home. I'm sitting  outside on the swing drinking a cup of pepper mint tea, l knew l wouldn't be able to sleep until my wife gets home
It seems like everytime she goes out of town somewhere
I have a hard time sleeping peacefully. The nerve of Callie bringing our kids in the middle of her mess, she better be lucky l didn't take the first flight out to San Diego and give her a piece of my mind. I know she's probably feeling so many emotions at the moment but pushing people away
is what she does best from, the first time I met Callie
She appeared to be a shy young girl who loved her family
When we told Sharon and Callie we were getting married
Her whole demeanor change instantly. Sharon was happy for Stef and I that was before I found out about Sharon's condition, Callie became rebellious doing everything and anything under the sun. It only gotten worse when she went off to college l think, when she came to new York
For a visit she looked like a totally different person
She had her nose pierced l still could read Callie inside and out. I know she was sexually active who loved attention that men gave her, Callie was a beautiful young woman, the fact she was sleeping with men for money
Because the clothes she would told it all even Callie never admit to it. I never tried to get in the middle of hers and Stef's relationship, l stayed in my lane and supported Stef
I take in the fresh cool air and listen to the crickets sing
A car drove up in front of the house and stopped.
I looked down at my watch and it says 12:00, l can't believe l been sitting out here for three hours
Stef gets out the back seat and thanks the driver
She walks up the pathway and our eyes met. She looked exhausted, l sat my mug down on the table and l went greet my wife l opened up my arms to comfort her
Stef didn't even have to say a word l knew what she was feeling. I hugged her tight rubbing her back up and down
We stood on side walk for ten minutes before we headed up to the house, it's okay baby your home now l gotta you
Lena said as they walked up the walk way, when we get inside l'm gonna take care of you Lena. Love don't you have to do this, l just wanna take a shower then go to sleep Stef says to me. Okay go on upstairs while l lock up and turn the alarm on l'm going to make you a cup of vanilla chamomile tea, Lena States as she goes to the kitchen to put the tea pot on. I'm trying to be there for Stef and she won't allow me to comfort her, Stef always pushes me away l knew not to take it personal. When is she gonna realize that we're a team and that she doesn't have to deal with this on her own all the time, l hear the whistle coming from the tea pot blow. I turned off the burner and pour the water into the mug and add in some cream and sugar, then I heard into the living room
Where l see Stef watching the news on TV. Here's your coffee l said to her, thanks she says to me. If you don't need anything else l'm gonna to bed now Lena says to Stef in a cold tone. I feel Stef grabbed my arm when I begin to walk away from her, what Stefanie Lena asks.
Please stay don't leave l'm sorry for not letting you take care of me l've gotten so use to dealing with things on my own. And I manage to hurt your feelings Stef explains
I understand that your hurting and everything, l'm trying to be here for you but your making it hard for me to do that. So now you want me to sit with you and talk
Lena replied, look you wouldn't understand cause you never had a sibbing before Stef Stated. You know what
Your right l don't you get it you keep reminding me every single time, and this shit is getting played out and l'm sick of it l'm gonna go sleep in the guest room if you don't mind Lena States as she heads upstairs leaving Stef to her thoughts,

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