fun Day with my girls

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Lena's: POV
After taking a ride on the ferry boat it took us back to the dock. We've been to the black wax museum saw the statue of Liberty while we were on the boat heading back to the my stomach has been doing summersaults all day
We pulled up to the pizza place in downtown New York
They make the best pizza in town. Hopefully things are going well for Stef in San Diego, l know she's feeling out of sorts. Especially with having to put her mother in a assisted living facility, we drove up to the place we're the girls wanted to have lunch at. I was craving pizza for some reason, we all got out the car and headed inside the pizza joint. What kinda of pizza do you girls want
I asked Ariana and Frankie, oh mommy can I have the chicken one Ariana asks me. I think l'm gonna go with the spinach kind Francesca tells me, okay sweethearts
Frankie how bout you and your sister go find us a table to sit while I go order the food. I said to her alright mommy she says to me, l went to the counter placed orders
The guy told if would be ready in twenty minutes
I went over to the table and took a seat. I got all a drink to go with our meal, l really enjoyed the ferry ride mommy
Both of my girls tell me. So did I but I like the black wax museum, Lena says. Mommy when are Sofia and Gigi coming back from the groomers Ariana asked me
Probably tomorrow they needed to get their shots and baths. Lena explains mommy can they have puppies like people Ariana questions, sure they can but momma and I made sure they were fixed before we got them. Lena replied, the man brings over our food. thank you
I tell him. He nobs his head and leaves us be
Stef and I haven't told anyone that we were having another baby, we were gonna wait till l was out the danger zone before telling anyone. Ariana take your time please, she said to her four year old daughter mommy it's so good Ariana responds. I eat my own pizza
Mommy when are we gonna go on vacation
Francesca inquiries, momma and I decided we would go in the second week of August Lena answers. Where are we going this time Ariana asks me, we were thinking a Disney cruise. Lena tells her daughter's really mommy
I wanna see all the Disney princesses Ariana's whole face lights up in excitement, Frankie just smiles at the idea
What do think about that Francesca Lena States
Mommy Disney is so babyish. Frankie tells me
No it's not baby it's for all ages l went when on my middle school graduation trip for a whole week, l had so much fun. Lena tries to persuade Frankie to go on the family trip, how are we gonna get there are we taking the plane
Ariana says. Momma wants to get fly but we have to
The plane to Florida then meet the boat at the docks
Lena stated, cool sounds like fun to me Ariana speaks
Francesca rolls her eyes. This didn't go unnoticed to Lena
She would deal with Frankie's attitude later right now wasn't the appropriate time to find out what was the matter with oldest daughter. Lena takes a sip of her water
Did momma really go see Nana in San Diego Frankie asked me, yes nana is her mother and momma needed to handle some business that's why she went to visit
But she'll be home tomorrow you can call her when we get home if you want Lena told Frankie. Are you guys gonna get a divorce like Quinn's parents did Francesca said
No we're not momma and I love each other very much
Some times adults have disagreements and say things they don't mean when their hurting your momma is the love of my life. We may fuss at each other Lena wonders if Francesca overheard the argument l had with Stef recently, after we all were finished eating.
I took the tray over to the trash and dumped out the paper plates in the trash can and walked out the door
We walk towards the car. I unlocked all the doors
I got in the driver's side, Frankie was helping Ariana with her seat belt. Francesca finally got in the mini van
Fasten herself in, l put the key into the engine and off we went. I need to stop by the gas station to get some gas
Stef was supposed to do it before she left town

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