A birthday to remember

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Lena's: POV
It was Saturday morning and Lena woke up alone in her bed. Today was her birthday and she hopes her mother doesn't throw her party all she really wants is to go out to a nice restaurant with her wife and children this year
Plus her due date is fastly approaching, Lena decides to get up and have her morning shower. Lena has an appointment at the day spa, the gift certificate she received for a Christmas present last year, Lena's gonna take advantage of opportunity cause when the babies get here. She won't have a lot of free time to do anything
Lena heads to the bathroom and turns on the shower
She relieves herself then brushes her teeth and washes her face, Lena gets undressed and steps in the shower
She feels her muscles loosens up as the water rain downs on her back. Lena begins washing her hair with the all in one shampoo and conditioner, it doesn't Lena long to complete this task. Lena thinks Stef's up to something
Cause she usually sleeps in late on weekends, once she's done washing her hair. She starts lathering her body with Coco butter soap, Lena reflexes over her life the last few years. She never thought she could be this happy
Lena feels blessed to have a supportive wife and amazing children, since the day Addison left she hasn't reached out
in a while. Lena isn't going to waste her time worrying about her best friend, even though Addison's a pain in the ass at times. After rising the soap off herself, Lena shuts off the water. Grabs her towel and wraps it up around her thin frame, Lena gets out the shower her hairs dripping wet. Lena comes out the E-suite and smells food coming through the vent, now she knows what her wife's up
Lena also knows Stef got the girls to help out with breakfast. Lena walks over to the closet to find something to wear, Lena takes out a pair of dark blue jeans and red sweater. She lays down on the bed, Lena searches for some underwear and bra from the drawer. She recently brought some bra's from Victoria secrets, Lena quickly dries off. She lotions her arms and legs, after she's finishes
She applies deodorant under her armpits. Slips on her black lace panties and bra set, since she's been pregnant
Lena likes wearing straight cut pants. Even she wears a size three, Lena's surprise they still fit. Lena slips on her jeans and sweater, then goes back into the bathroom to do her hair and makeup.

Stef's: POV
The girls and got up bright and early to make Lena a surprise birthday breakfast in bed. She's been feeling a little down lately, l made a reservation at Antonio's Italian
Bistro. It's a upscale fancy restaurant in town, I read the reviews and they rank five stars according to a customer who eats regularly. I was surprised how fast they were able to booked us in so quickly, hopefully my mother in law doesn't try to throw Lena a huge birthday bash
Lena has already decided she didn't want a party this year
I can't believe less than two months the twins will be here full time. Everything is all set up and ready for their arrival, the girls have started back to school already
Things are going well at the bakery and my business is doing. I took on three more new clients, my assistant Emily has really been a good asset, after a minor incident
According to Emily accusing one of my male clients making a pass at her. After he finally confess once she threatened to sue him for sexually harassment in the workplace, l let her know that it wasn't her fault for what happened. I ended up losing him as a client but at least he
I was paid for the services l preform for him, l took Frankie and Ariana out to the mall so they could pick up a present for Lena, l went two weeks ago and shopped at all her favorites stores she likes to shop at. I went to Kay jewelers and purchased a beautiful sliver bracelet and necklace set with a nice inscription, the girls choose a gold heart locket with their pictures inside. I just finished up putting the French toast eggs, sausage and fresh cut up fruit on the plate. Francesca is busy washing out the dishes, l wanted to give Lena a birthday to remember
We haven't heard from Addison since the day she left
I think she's overly dramatic because Lena wouldn't watch her daughter's, she's not use to the word no
Frankie talked to the girls recently Francesca said they were doing alright. I hate that Addison's trying to make Lena feel guilty, we don't have time to be focusing on Addison foolishness. Where getting ready for babies
Momma when are we gonna take mommies breakfast up to her Ariana asks me, as soon as your sister gets done
Stef replies. Lena has a spa appointment at 1:00 this afternoon, her and Dana going together l'm glad she doesn't have to go alone. Even though Lena rathers to go by her self, she's seven months pregnant, we got two more months to go before it's all over with it. The doctor said
Lena would need to get a cesarean, they don't think she wouldn't be able to deliver vaginally which is a load of shit in my opinion. I just want the baby's healthy
I'm done momma Frankie tells me, okay let's take mommy
Her food. Ariana can you please carry the roses for me angel Stef says to her youngest daughter, l lift up the tray
And leave the kitchen and heads upstairs to Lena's and l bedroom. Oh baby your awake Stef states, l got up forty five minutes ago, happy birthday my love Stef tells Lena
As Stef sets the tray down across Lena's lap. Happy birthday mommy the girls Stated, thank you darlings
Lena responds. Ariana hands Lena the roses
Stephanie these better not be from my rose bush from out front so help me God you'll be sleeping on the couch tonight. Lena told her wife, no baby these are from the flower shop in town. Frankie and Ariana are laughing at me, Francesca leaves to get Lena's gift and cards
Ariana's sitting beside Lena in our bed.

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