on the plane to Miami

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Stef's: POV
After spending time with our girls we headed to the airport to make our flight to Miami. We have a three hour trip to Miami, we're flying in first class the flight attendant came over to take our lunch orders Lena requested grilled chicken Caesar salad and a veggie burger with a bottle water. I ordered a double cheeseburger with fries and coke, she left to put our orders in. Stef didn't ask me any questions about we're we were going, we had a long talk with Ariana and Frankie
About behaving themselves while we were away.
Addison and her family left early this morning, Lena's busy reading a magazine we brought from the bookstore in the airport terminal. I was watching a movie
I don't want Lena stressing out on our honeymoon,
Plus she has a doctor's appointment once we return
She's gotten her prescription filled. So she won't be drinking any alcohol throughout our vacation, l'm praying we have a little boy this time either way l hope for a healthy baby no matter what the gender is. The attendant came back with our food, Lena closes her magazine and puts it beside her. I put our tables down, we thanked the woman for bringing over our meal, she's still standing beside our seats. Excuse ma'am l don't mean no harm by why are you still standing over here l said to her, she took the hint and left us alone. Lena just shook her head
What baby she was the one who refused to leave not me
Stef says to her wife, Stefanie l didn't say anything
Lena replies. Hush and eat cause your gonna need all your strength later on Stef tells Lena, how so Lena stated
That's for me to know and you too find out Stef replied
We enjoyed our meal and talk a little. It wasn't before long there was announcement over the loud speaker, attention all passengers we will be arriving in Miami in the next hour. If this is your stopped please take the time to look around you and make sure you have all your personal belongings, we are not responsible for any loss items
The captain says. Luckily enough for him we were just finished up our food, that was good. It should hold us over till dinner time on the cruise ship, Lena tries to make sure she has everything. I look around see l'm not leaving anything behind, the plane makes a screeching hult down on the ground. Lena grabs her small carry on along with her bag, and follow behind the other passengers in line
I can't wait to see the look on Lena's face when we board the largest ship, we have to get our luggage from baggage claim. Hopefully there's a taxi cab that can take us to the docks, the boat doesn't leave until 5 in the evening
At least we have a nice view in our room on the boat
We go down on the escalate and then we head straight over to retrieve our suitcases. We walked straight through the terminal, l told the driver we're we needed to go
While Lena was out of sight to hear our conversation
He popped open the trunk and helped us load our luggage in. We seat in the back seat of the taxi cab, Lena's holds my hand after she buckles up her seat belt. Where in a strange city, l'm always aware of my surroundings
He starts the car up and then drives off too our destination. I got you babe l whisper in Lena's ear
I see him watching us through the rear view mirror

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