babies first outing

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Lena's: POV
The babies and l are out at the Manhattan mall
I needed to return the outfits l purchased a few days ago
For the Wicca ceremony. The company l ordered from
Sent me the wrong order, luckily the place I bought it from. is in the mall, l'm so happy my wife is coming home today. She's been gone for only two Days, l enter inside the store, and went up to the counter and explained the situation to the store manager. I handed her my receipt
She looked over everything joy helped me find the appropriate attire for Christopher and Harmony Francesca and Ariana, Savannah is supposed to come over early to help me set up the backyard. I feel bad about everything Sharon put Stef through, l just can't believe she attack her own daughter. I found a nice white cute little dress for Harmony, l'm still searching for something for Christopher to wear. The girls are pretty easy to shop for
Savannah is bringing her sister along with her, l met Amanda a few times already, the Christensen consist of a prayer for protection over the twins to keep evil spirits away from them. And sprinkler of water on their foreheads, in order for the spell to be complete
There needs to be there people to form a circle
With the baby's in the center. Stef knows about the celebration, because we did it when Frankie and Ariana were born. I believe Francesca is already tapping into her gifts, Ariana is still so she won't come into her talents till she's a little older. Savannah is considered a white witch who practice good magic, like l do. There are others who choose to perform voodoo along with black magic, each of our children hold a certain unique gift that has to be nurture carefully, l thanked Joy for all her help
She puts my things in the plastic bag. I pushed the stroller out the door, we head to our next destination.
As we head towards the exit. I needed to go whole foods market, to get a couple of things to make Stef's favorite meal. I got Christopher settled in his car seat and l do the same thing with Harmony, l folder up the stroller
Then placed it in the trunk. And got in my car
Stuck the key into the engine turned on the vehicle
Pulled out the parking space, drove through town
The girls didn't wanna go to school this morning
But I had to put my foot down. They don't pull this stunt when Stef's home, l understand them missing her
I do as well l'm kinda surprise Ariana had the nerve to talk back to me. This is not like her to do that
Maybe she's testing my patience in a way, Francesca has her moments as well. She knows her Limits when it comes to me, Ariana is total Stef's daughter she definitely has her attitude. I drove up into the whole foods market
Parked my car, in the front row parking lot turned off the vehicle and got out. I walked towards the back to take out the two twin stroller, texted me earlier saying that she was on the way to the airport. I know it might take some time to sell Sharon's house, at least she doesn't stay in town any longer. Sharon's realtor supposed to fax the paperwork for her to look over sign it and send it back
I get the twins strapped into the stroller, locked all the doors. And begin pushing the stroller inside the market
I grabbed a medium size carrier as l make my way through the aisles, gather up what I needed for tonight's dinner. I picked up a box of wheat noodles spaghetti sauce
I made my way further down to the frozen food section
to get some garlic bread. And to the produce aisle to get a bag of salad mixed, cumbers spinach and broccoli
Lena made her way up to the check out counter to pay for her groceries.. there were three people ahead of her in line. Lena noticed how quiet Harmony and Christopher was, aww look that at the precious babies the older woman said as she bend down to get a closer look at the twins. Excuse ma'am can you please back away from my children and don't put your hands in there face
Lena asked politely, l'm sorry the gray hair older states
Something about this woman made Lena uncomfortable
She felt the need to protect her daughter and son
Lena unloading her groceries on to converted belt
The cashier starts scanning each other.

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