The honeymoon suite part 1

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Lena's: POV
The Limousine just drop us off back at the hotel
While Stef was talking to my dad earlier l brought us
The honeymoon suite for the night. Even though we had a penthouse suite, we enter inside the hotel and l walk up to the desk to get the key card. Good evening l called in and requested the couples suite for the night, it should be under the name Adams Lena says to the young woman behind the desk. She looks up my information in the computer, okay your all set your on the seventh floor
Room 723 she tells me and hands me two key cards
Thanks l said to her. Lena walks off and goes to get her wife, who was waiting for her in lobby. Lena knows that they're have to go to their old room and get a pair of changing clothes, their bags were already packed up for their honeymoon. Babe come on Lena says to her wife
Stef stood up and takes Lena by the hand, we made a quick stop to the penthouse suite. change out our wedding attire, l went and got something l purchased from Victoria secrets for tonight l wanted to wear it tonight. after getting changed into something more comfortable,
I packed my essentials bag. I came out in the bedroom
Stef was in the bathroom, then I heard the water running
in the shower l checked to see if l had everything l needed
For tonight's festivals. Recently l went online to the sex shop and ordered a double edged vibrate for couples
Along with some edible flavor oil, l got two different kinds
Cherry and strawberry. It's supposed to be good for oral sex, it's gets hot when you blow on it. This would be our first time we used toys in the bedroom, I wanna us to try something a little out of the norm. I hear Stef come out the E-suite, l'm sitting on the couch in the master bedroom, babe how was your shower Lena said to her wife. It would have been better if you had joined me
Stef says to me, l thought you were just gonna change your clothes Lena questions. I wanted to freshen up some
in case we were you know Stef says? Please don't go non verbal on me making love is nothing to be embarrassed about. It's apart of life it connects you to the other person
You shouldn't be ashamed to talk to me about what your feeling, Lena tries to explain to Stef.  What if I do it and you don't like it Stef States the blonde is letting her nerves get the better of her. Stephanie where's this confident woman l know, you never had this problem before
What's bothering you now that has questioning weather or not you won't be able to please me as many times as we made love in the past years we've been together Lena asked. Lena waits patiently for Stef's response
The blonde finishes getting dressed, well tonight we will be making love as a married couple Stef replies
Just because we're married it doesn't change our sex life
It will be than before I would be giving myself to willing and you will be doing the same nothing changes your having second thoughts Lena couldn't believe the words that just came out of her mouth. Oh God no baby
I love what you do to me in bed, Stef comes over and sits down and takes her wife by the hand of course l want us to consummate on our wedding night l guess l'm nervous
Sometimes l ramble at times out loud Stef Stated.

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