The sit down with the realtor

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Stef's: POV
I'm standing here in my childhood home l grew up in
This house has a lot of memories. I barely gotten any sleep
I only slept three hours, after yesterday events, Sadie and I waiting on the Ann to arrive. Stefanie this is the house you and sister grew up in, l think you should reconsider selling. Sadie says to me, Ms. Sadie my mother isn't coming back home anytime soon so there's no way for me to keep her house. I live all the way in Manhattan new York with my wife and children, if you have a solution in this matter Stef asks Sadie. Your parents used their hard earned money to buy this place, your mother is my best friend. And I won't let you do this Sadie said to me
The door bell rings l get up to answer it and it's Ann
My mother's realtor. I opened the door and let her come in, Good morning Stephanie sorry l'm late Ann says to me
You fine Ann, I know you have a full schedule so shall we get down to business. Where are my manners this is my mother's best friend friend Sadie Anderson she was just leaving Stef states, alright Stefanie just think about what l said, don't do something that your going live to regret Sadie tells me as she heads to the door and walks out
Ann takes out a file with my mother's name on it
I shut the door after Sadie's leaves. Let's get down to business. Ann opens up the file, Stephanie here's the situation concerning your mom's place, l know that this is difficult to have to sell. I see clients everyday that want to sale their home, as you know the house is paid off
I noticed there's been some upgrades that have been done
I probably can get full market value on this house
And put it on the market and set up appointments for potential buyers to come in and look at this home, l gotta tell you the process isn't going to easy. I just have one question are you sure you want to sell this house. Ann asks me, Ann my mother is extremely mentally ill
And can't live alone and yes l'm sure. As you know
I am the executor over her estate, Stef explains
I'm very well aware of that Ann says in a sarcastic tone
Stef bits the inside of her jaw because Ann is beginning to rub her the wrong way. Shall we have a look around
Ann states. Stefanie your a very beautiful woman
I'm sure you have women falling at your feet Ann flirts
With me, Stef just laughs at Ann's comment. Ann l'm a very happily l repeat a very happily married woman
And where gonna leave it at that and get back to business
Stef replied. Okay I'll follow you upstairs Ann spoke
The blonde wish things could run a little more smoothly
Without the flirtatious looks Ann is throwing me,
We checked out each bedroom one by one as Ann jots down some notes on her tablet. I look at my watch to see what time it was, it's going on 10:30 my flight leaves out
At 2:15 this afternoon. I'll be home at 5:45 pm this evening
Ann's taking her sweet old time, l should called her boss over here instead of her. We have been in all the bedrooms and bathrooms, where heading back down the stairs. I think I have everything I need to get the paperwork started, how long are you in town for Stephanie. Ann asked me, l'm flying out this afternoon
I have to get back home Stef replied. I was hoping you could join for dinner later on, Ann States. Ann l've already told you l'm a married woman it seems to me it didn't register the first time I informed you, Ann let's keep this on a  professional level. Or l will contact your boss
And inform him how on how unprofessional your being
Stef Stated, fine l will fax over those documents to later on this week. I'll have Peter call you and let you how things are going with the house, Ann replies. Stef walks out the door with Ann. Her driver has pulled up to take her back to the hotel, so she get packed up to go back Manhattan new York.

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