Day with my love

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Stef's: POV
This is our last day in Vegas l wanted to spend time with Lena just the two of us. We had breakfast with Addison and Mariah, then we went our separate ways
Lena and I took a Lyft to the mall so we could do a little shopping. We were all gonna meet back at the hotel
At 6:00 for dinner, we'll be heading home late tonight
I enjoyed myself in Los Vegas this weekend. It was better without the added drama,  l'm most certainly looking forward to our honeymoon. On the carnival cruise
I didn't wanna ruin the surprise by telling Lena we're we were going, she hasn't said anything about as to where we were heading. The driver pulls up at the Los Vegas mall
We thanked him for the ride and exited out of the vehicle
And went inside the shopping mall, we walked around a bit before going into any department stores. We held hands, there was so many outlets in this mall, Lena wanted to go inside the shoe depot. Lena loved shoes and clothes, she likes to keep up with the latest fashion
Lena went down the aisle to look at Sandals, while l checked out the water shoes. We really haven't bought anything for our trip, we've been so busy making sure the girls had everything they needed. Lena always puts them first and leaving herself last, that's one of the many things I love about her. Lena puts everybody's needs ahead of her own, l'm glad we bought along too extra suitcases
I'm trying to debate about getting these shoes or not
My wardrobe isn't that big. I mainly wear jeans and flannel shirts, when I met up with potential clients
I wear too pants suits. I really need to start buying clothes for when Lena and I go out on our date nights, Lena always dress so elegant and classy, she never tried to change me. I decided on getting the shoes, I go and search for Lena, she's already at the check out counter paying for her items. I stood in line behind Lena waiting my turn
The lady handed her bag, Lena moved out the way
I laid my merchandise down. The woman scanned my two pairs of water shoes, l used some of the money we won from the casino last night. I left the credit cards back home in Manhattan, l just brought one with me
That l bring with me when we go shopping. Lena owes three cards. Most of the time we have cash on
We have a system we're have one credit card for all the household expenses, we head out to the store and we take the escalate up to the second floor. Lena went inside
Macy's, babe what are looking for in here Stef asks
Some bras and panties, maybe a few sundresses
From we go on our honeymoon Lena said. I'm gonna go find some shorts, Stef says to Lena. I thought we were going to shop together baby she replied, Lena heads over to the lingerie section. I watched her look at thong underwear and, Lena always asks my opinion

Life in the big  apple) the weddingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora