Settling in for the evening

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Lena's: POV
It's been a long exhausting the twins were fussy all day
After giving them warm baths with a hint of Johnson and Johnson calming body wash. Then I nurse them
Harmony went down without an issue but Christopher is another story, l think he knows Stef's not here cause she usually puts him to sleep. I don't know what she does to get him calm, Frankie was a huge help with her siblings
I spoke with my wife earlier letting me know she made it to San Francisco, and got checked in to the embassy suites
She could have stayed at our house but she wanted to be closer to the assisting living facility where Sharon's at
After finishing up my shower and getting dressed
I climbed into bed waiting for Stef to call me. Savannah emailed me to confirm the event for Thursday night
The twins outfits came this afternoon ups delivered it
Where all wearing all white for the ceremony. Emory has been holding it down at the bakery in my absence, l'm kinda concerned about Asia. According she's been slacking off by showing up late for her shift, supposed to open up in the mornings. I worked to hard for her to ruined my establishment, something needs to give
She's an excellent worker and she's good at her job
After looking at the surveillance camera Asia's been sleeping at the bakery for the past three weeks. When Stef gets back home we need to sit down and talk to Asia
to see what's going on with her and her living situation
I paid her good money so I don't know why she can't afford a place to live at. My phone rings and I see Stef's number appears on the caller ID.

Lena: hey baby

Stef: hi my love how's everything going in palace

Lena: our son the little prince has been trying to stay up
I think he knows your not here. How's things going in San Francisco Lena asks,

Stef: l had a meeting with my mother doctor and psychiatrist. They said her condition isn't getting better
Stef says to Lena,

Lena: awe babe l'm sorry to hear that
I said to Stef. I feel like something your not telling me
You know I can read you well sweetheart. Lena States

Stef: honey before you go off l'm okay
Baby she attack me with a scalpel. Stef confessed

Lena: what the hell Stephanie
Why would she do that to you your her daughter
Lena fumes. Are you sure your okay

Stef: l needed to get eight stitches on my arm
The orderlies end coming in the room right away
They had to sedate her. Tomorrow l'm suppose to meet with the realtor and put the house on the market
It was decided in the meeting, mom can no longer live on her own. She needs to be supervised 24/7 and l can't keep coming out here all the time, baby l don't who she is anymore, that woman is not my mother

Lena: babe l'm here for what ever you need
I'm sorry you have to go through this all by yourself
Have you spoken with your sister. Callie needs to know what's going on with Sharon, Lena tell Stef

Stef: l don't even know where she's at these days
The number l called is disconnected. I have no other form of contact, l barely know where she lives at these cause she's always moving all the damn time. Listen baby l don't want you worrying about me, even though I know you will. Kiss my loves for me alright and l'll touch base with you tomorrow and let you know what time my flight leaves San Francisco Stef Stated.

Lena: baby how can you tell me not to worry
I'm always gonna worry you and I are partners in life
You don't need deal with things anymore and l know your solving your issues on your own. Please honey don't shut me out, l know this killing you inside about how everything went down with your mother. Regardless
Of the nasty things she said about me, l wish her no harm
Lena said.

Stef: that's the many things I love about you babe
You have a big forgiving heart no matter what people have done to you. I know your not a big fan of my mother
I Know that I should have defended you when she was being hostile towards you. You don't deserve that
So please forgive me, Stef asks for her wife's forgiveness

Lena: l already accepted your apology already so there's need to beat yourself up. She's a grown ass woman
I don't care if your mom doesn't like me but she will respect me when she's in our home, l may be forgiven
But I won't forget and no l'm not looking for an apology
Now that I know she has a mental illness. I know part of her can control the things she says, Lena explains

Stef: that may be true in some sense. Check this out
She had the nerve to drop a bomb shell on me
Telling me Callie and I don't have the same father
She was pregnant when she met my dad, and he adopted Callie as his own. That's why we never saw eye to eye growing up, l don't think she knows. I don't know what to believe. What other secrets is she hiding from me
This news will definitely send, Callie over the edge
If I wanted to be a cold harden bitch l'll cals the news my self. But it's not my place, my mother is not in right frame of my mind at the moment Stef told Lena

Lena: you don't what kinds of worms you might open up
Because once this secret is out. There's no coming back from this, l don't think you should tell her. Cause he's the only father she knows. But it's up to you and l will support your decision, Lena replied

Stef: love l'm gonna get ready to turn in for the night
I have an early morning. Know that l love you and the babies, kiss everyone for me good night

Lena: l love you as well get some rest
And we'll talk again tomorrow love you babe
Get some sleep and don't worry. We will get through this
Lena States,

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