Night fall

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Still Lena's: POV

After getting the babies bathe and to sleep for the night
Francesca Ariana had their showers. They were already asleep, Christopher seems like the only one who didn't wanna go to bed much like her sister she went down without an issue, after reading him a bedtime story his eyes were getting heavy until he drifted off to sleep
I had taken myself a shower over an hour ago.
Lena headed down stairs to pour herself a glass of white zinfandel, and took the baby monitor outside with her on the porch. I looked up at the sky and saw all the stars lined up together, it's been a rather exhausting Day. My powers are not cooperating this evening l know what the problem is. Usually when l'm upset or stressed out they tend to have a mind of their own, the strangest thing happened
When I was giving the twins there nightly baths. The lights kept flickering off and on. Which the power to go out for five minutes and then it came back on without me having to go downstairs to the basement to turn on the circuit breaker box back on, l thought I had a handle on my emotions apparently I was wrong this argument with Stef has everything out of sync. Francesca spoke to her earlier, maybe tomorrow l'll call her to check in.
I don't think tonight will be a good night to talk
Regardless the fight was yesterday l didn't bother to turn my phone back, l know my father probably is worried about me. Cause l usually call him for advice but this time l'm trying to figure out this situation between me and Stef
She hasn't even tried to call the house phone, don't get me wrong l love my wife but she's so damn headstrong at times. We can't continue going on like this when we have children together, they don't need to see us fussing
Francesca thinks we're going to get a divorce that's the last thing that enter my mind and l know doesn't want that either. We need to get our shit together and fight for our marriage, l sip on my wine and enjoy the nice warm breeze. And close my eyes and asked the universe for direction, on what to do this situation then the answer becomes crystal clear. I have to go back in time and tap into Stef's mind where the answer lies, l thanked the Stars
If I don't that it would easer part of Stef's memory
I asked the universe is there another way out of this chaos
Lena received no response from the stars. Back to square one, maybe after a good night's sleep l'll have a better understanding in the morning, l can't take the agony
I turned my cell phone back and let it load up a bit
Lena sees there five miss from her dad and seven from Stef. I listen to the ones from Stephanie, baby please pick up, l know your at the cabin because Francesca told me
Lena Elizabeth l know your avoiding my calls. Love
I'm sorry come home, l'm gonna keep leaving messages
Anyway l heard our wedding song on the radio earlier
Babe l'm watching the video of our wedding we were so happy that day. I remember everything we said to each other you gotta come home, l can't sleep without your body next to mine. Just call me when you can. Love your wife Stephanie. Maybe she does miss me or this could be a trap,  

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