the flight to San Francisco

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Stef's: POV
We all are the plane to San Francisco flying first class
is always a luxury. So far the staff has been amazing
It's been a crazy few weeks running around getting everything ready for our trip, l can't wait to see the look on Lena's face when she sees the house. I texted Mariah to let her know we'll in town, the girls are watching a movie on their portable DVD players they got for Christmas from Dana and Stuart. They spoiled the kids more than we do
Lena's parents are sitting way up in front aisle, Lena's on her laptop. Emailing the caters to make sure everything's set for the menu selections we choose to have at the reception, the hall we're having after the wedding
The photographer is one Stuart's good friends.
My baby's has been working hard at the bakery these couple of weeks. Where expecting over two hundred guests, hopefully Teddy can behavior herself this time
And not get smashed on our special day. The last thing I need is for Lena to be getting stressed out on the happiest day of our lives, we brought the dogs along with us
I didn't feel right leaving them behind plus Ariana had a mini melt down being away from Sofia for a long period of time. Our newest edition is settled quite nicely
I extended an invitation to my mom to come the wedding
Hopefully mom doesn't say anything out the way around Lena's parents. The last we need is Dana going off
Mom said some pretty nasty things that hurt Lena's feelings, l lean my head on Lena's shoulder and close my eyes. I didn't get much sleep last night, we had to get up at 6:00 this morning. Because our flight took off at 8:00 am
They always went to arrive an hour early, we all had a light breakfast a little while ago. Lena packed plenty of snacks, l need to grocery shopping for the house it's barely any food there. Lena made a long list of everything we're gonna need, the captain gets on the loud speaker
Saying where about to take off soon. I rented a car
We have to pick up once we land in San Francisco
Luckily we have a direct flight straight thru with out any stops along the way. I wake up to a screeching hult
I hear the flight attendant telling everyone to stay seated till we land safely on the ground, l hear a lot of passengers  complaining. I looked over at Lena who's engrossed in her book, she's reading her book. Lena turns her head
And says baby did you enjoy your nap, yeah l didn't think l was that sleepy Stef replies. Lena puts her book back in her small travel bag and look into my eyes, l love you Stephanie Marie foster more than you're ever know
And I can't wait to become your wife in two weeks
Lena tells me. I love you too you've changed my life
And I can't wait to start this chapter with you,
I said to Lena and I see tears in her eyes. Aww babe
I didn't mean to make you cry Stef says, l'm just so happy
Lena responds, attention all passengers please make your way towards the rear make sure you have all your belongings before exiting the plane the captain says over the loud speaker. Mommy Ariana said to Lena
Okay babe you have all your things together,
Lena asked Ariana, oops Ariana States as she leaves
Us. Lena and I gather our stuff and get up from our seats
We see Dana and Stuart walking past us, as they make their way to the exit. Frankie Ariana Lena and myself
Walk down the escalate, it takes us to the terminal

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