The perfect ending

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Lena's: POV
Aaliyah Marie and I just arrived home from the hospital
I know that the kids were dying to see their new baby sister. We have come along way in making our family complete, l couldn't asked for such a loving supportive wife. to build a life with some people think we're crazy for having five children. All my thirty two years l never expected to be this happy even when l never would have thought my soulmate Stephanie Marie foster came into my life four years ago. We had one hell of a journey
I wouldn't trade her in for nothing in this world, yeah she can be a tad over protective for good reason. But she loves hard, the girls adore her to death l decided to take a much needed bath, while Stef and my dad keep the babies busy
This marks a new chapter in the foster Adams household
Pretty soon Francesca will be heading off to junior high school and Ariana would moving on the second grade and the twins will be turning one years old in three months
I use to think fairly tales only exist in books, but at the end of the day l have my queen of my hearts. I see so much of Stef in each one of our children especially Ariana and Christopher, once l finished up with my shower and got dressed in some comfortable clothing which consist of a pair of black leggings and one of Stef's old flannel long sleeves shirts. I decided to take a much needed nap
I know I won't be able to sleep long cause in two hours
I will have to nurse Aaliyah, it was good to see Stef bond with our little girl. It brought tears to my eyes, we wanted leave a legacy behind for our children that's why we work so hard to create a sable foundation. Emory informed me
Things are extremely well at the bakery, after l gave her a stern talking to as well as my other workers. She strengthen up her act, I had to let too people go due to extreme tardiness. After giving them three warnings
I hated to be the bad guy but someone had to do it
The remainder of my staff knew that I wasn't in the mood to be questioned, l invested so much money into my business to have it run in the ground by some lazy employees. Mommy Aaliyah's crying momma sent me up here to get you Ariana said, alright asked your mama to bring Aaliyah upstairs so I can feed her please Lena replied. Okay mommy Ariana skips out of the room
I hear Francesca's mouth all the way downstairs fussing about something. I'm not going to get involved Ariana always finds a way to irritate her big sister because she looks up to Francesca, l turned on the television
Baby somebody's hungry Stef came into our bedroom and handed Aaliyah. She latched on to my nipple then begin sucking, l'm gonna go take the dogs out for a walk Stef says to me. I still be here when you come back what's dad up to Lena asked her wife, he's putting together the swing set out in the back yard for the twins Stef replies. No matter what I tell him the twins don't need a complete swing set, Lena said to Stef . Baby he's just a proud grandpa who adores his grandchildren and wants to spoil them to pieces Stef points out, Lena knew her wife is right
She continues to nurse Aaliyah in her arms who was falling asleep. Stef watch intently as her wife breast feed there new addition to their family. Stef couldn't ask for a better woman to share her life with, and raised a family with. Babe l'm gonna go get dinner started l was thinking about throwing some steaks, salmon and garden burgers on the grill. I'll whipped up your favorite tuna salad with celery and eggs, Stef states. Please don't talk about food while l'm feeding your daughter Lena spoke. Stef heads out the bedroom to go downstairs and get Francesca to help her with super, Francesca always helping her mama in the kitchen. Ariana was busy watching a movie

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