waiting up

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Lena's: POV
After my conversation with Stef over an hour ago
I went down to check up on the girls. I woke them up and told all of them to go upstairs and go to bed, l straighten up the basement picking up the empty juice boxes and the large bowl and turn off the TV. Carried everything up stairs to the kitchen, and dumped out the kernels from the popcorn in the trash can. it's a good thing Stef walked Gigi and Sofia before she left, l washed out the bowl and headed up to our bedroom to slip on something comfortable. I decided to put on my black see threw  necklacion with my matching panties, and got under the covers and wait for my wife to come home. I finished reading the book l started a week ago, l have a hundred more pages before l'm done. Lena didn't realize she doze off, it's when she heard the dogs barks Lena knows it might be Stef that came through the front door. Lena gets up from the bed and slips on her robe and heads downstairs to greet her wife, she walks down the steps and sees Stef in the kitchen drinking a bottle water
Hey baby what took you so long l was beginning to get worried Lena said to her wife. I'm sorry love l needed to stop by the gas station to get gas on the way home, Stef replies. Lena didn't see Addison around any where
If your wondering where Addison is at she met some woman at the bar Stef states, l'm glad she's putting herself back out there again Lena says to Stef. Yeah me too Stef Stated, come on let's go upstairs so I can rub your back
Stef tells Lena. Stef locks up the house and turns on the alarm, both women head upstairs to the third floor to there bedroom. Stef shuts the door, Lena removes her robe and gets back in bed, Stef sits on the chair to take off her boots. Then starts taking off her clothes, the sight of Stef getting undress turns Lena on, all she can do is watch
Stef knows she's being watch. The blonde climbs in bed
Lena lays down on her side and Stef begins massaging Lena's back, babe did you enjoy your evening with the girls. Stef asks me, it's was ok we made homemade pizza chocolate chip cookies and popcorn and they wanted to look at a movie. I came upstairs to take a bath, l can't wait to have these babies soon. Lena said, in three months it will be all over Stef told Lena, Stef lean in and gave Lena a deep searing kiss on the lips. Lena deeper the kiss. Their make out session became heated and intense clothes were being toss on the floor, Lena knew there won't to many positions she could do being six months pregnant. Sixty nine always worked in her favor, they took turns pleasing each other. Lena was close to reaching her orgasm and Stef right behind, Lena was moaning softly. baby stop keeping going l'm so close Stef said as she was panting heavy. Lena could feel herself cummin ah God babe faster
Lena demanded, Stef loved her bossy Lena is in the bedroom. Lena's back was beginning to hurt, so she laid down beside Stef on the pillow. Staring up at the ceiling
Love are you okay Stef asks. The low part of my back is throbbing Lena replied, l'm gonna go draw us a hot bubble bath and put in Epson salt and lavender oil
Stef tells me as she got up from the bed and put on her tee shirt and went into the bathroom turn the water, then open up the cabinet under the sink took out bath salt and oil and poured in the tub. Stef loved taking care of her wife, when she wasn't feeling well, once the water was all ready. Stef turned it off and went to get Lena from the bedroom, Stef found Lena sitting up in bed reading one of her many baby book. Love our bath is ready Stef said as she held open Lena's robe for her, Lena took her time getting out of the bed and slipped her arms into the short Terry cloth robe. Lena enter inside the master bathroom and saw the candles lit up while the music was playing in the background, Stef had it on the smooth jazz station
Lena enjoyed anything from jazz to classic music along with Some oldies. It always helped her relax beside reading all Shakespeare stories and plays, Stef took off her shirt and stepped in the tub. Holding her hand out for Lena to get in, Lena united her robe and hung up behind the door. Took Stef's hand as she got in, the water nice and hot, Lena leaned back into Stef's body. The blonde picked up the wash cloth applied some chamomile body wash and washed Lena's back, Lena never felt so relaxed

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