The babies and Lena come home

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Stef's: POV
I was home getting everything prepared for when Lena gets here with Christopher and Harmony. It's been three days since she gave birth to the twins, l went grocery shopping early this morning and purchased enough food for the last three months. We've been receiving a lot of gifts from some of our friends back in San Francisco
We won't have to worry about pampers for the next six months. Most of everything Lena requested on the baby registry, Lena's parents and Alex brought Lena's probably gonna wanna send thank you cards out. Addison called to congratulate us, l didn't stay on the phone too long with her. Cause l was in the middle of cleaning up the house
While the girls were in school, Emory stopped by with some cupcakes that said welcome home twins. Christopher is going to be a little heartbreaker when he grows up, she looks like me when I was a baby
He has green eyes that will change colors once he's older
Harmony's eyes are the same color as Frankie's. These babies aren't your typical twins, there's just something about them l can't put my finger on it's like they both been here before. Lena believes in past lives and all that hocus pocus, Lena sees things differently than most people do
Francesca and Ariana have dream catchers hanging up in their room to keep the bad dreams away, they had them
For a long time. Dana went to go pick up Lena from the hospital, they're be leaving for Landon next month for a whole year. I know the girls are going to miss them dearly
Lena hasn't said to much about it lately. She's dealing with it in her own way, she never gets over things easily but she doesn't like conflict. All the bedrooms have been vacuumed and the bathrooms are clean up, all the laundry's done and put away. Everybody has clean linen on their beds, l wonder what's keeping Lena and Dana so long getting here. Lena was due to be discharged at eleven this morning and it's going on 1:00 in the afternoon
I already gotten a roasted chicken breast in the oven
Plus l'm homemade mashed potatoes and broccoli for dinner. I head down to the nursery to make sure everything's ready for when the twins get here
Shit l open up the closet and realized that we forgot to pick up clothes for Harmony, we have a bunch of outfits for Christopher. There isn't enough time for me to go out and buy our daughter a whole new wardrobe , hopefully Lena will swing by the mall on her home from the hospital. The girls don't get home until 4:30 from their after school program, we have plenty diapers and baby wipes in the drawer. I go downstairs and check on the chicken breast in the oven, l want everything perfect before Lena gets home. I put on the oven mitts and l stick the thermometer inside the roasted chicken breast
It's not quite done, l need to take Gigi and Sofia out for a walk. Where not sure how the doggies are going to take it when Lena brings in the babies. I get there leashes on
And lead them outside, l turned the oven down low till l come back from walking the dogs. I feed them over an hour ago, it doesn't take me long to walk Gigi and Sofia down to the little doggie park down the road where l see other people walking there animals around. Some were playing Frisbee, Sofia has already finished and Gigi's busy playing around as usual. Come on Gigi we need to go back to the house, before Lena gets home. Gigi looks up at me and knew l meant business, she sniff to find a spot to go tinkle. After five minutes of sniffing for the perfect location, Gigi finds a place to go pee at . We begin heading back to the house where l see Dana's car parked in the driveway, l took off Gigi's and Sofia's leash and allowed them to run off some stem for a few minutes

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