Ariana's room

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Stef's: POV
Once we all got settled in Lena and l just returned from the grocery store. When I showed Ariana her new room
She went wild, it was much bigger than her last one
Frankie is downstairs helping Lena prepared dinner
I just got out the shower, Ariana is up in her room playing with Sofia. Dana and Stuart rested in their guest house
Lena loved all the improvements I done with the house
I throw on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, l know l'll be rewarded later. I turned on the TV and in our master bedroom, and lay across the bed. I wing through the channels to find something good to watch, tomorrow we're heading down to the beach to check out the venue for the wedding. I hear Frankie calling my name
I can't even relax for a little bit without being disturbed
As much as l love my girls, they always find the perfect time. Ruined relaxation time. I get up and head down stairs, Francesca what is it. l asked her mommy fainted
Frankie has tears in her eyes, okay babe go get mommy a cold bottle of water from fridge. I knew down to see if
Lena's breathing, baby wake up l said to Lena who's unconscious. I lift her up off the kitchen floor and carry her into the living room and lie her down on the couch
Frankie brings in the water, what was mommy doing before she passed out. Stef asks Francesca, we were making supper, mommy kept saying she was feeling lightheaded. And I turned my back for a second
Then she fainted, momma is mommy gonna be alright
Frankie said. Yes mommy's been under a lot stress lately but she'll be fine, babe l know your scared deep down Stef's worried about Lena's health. Love l need you to go upstairs and call your auntie Addison and tell her she needs to come over quick, l tell Francesca and make sure Ariana doesn't come down please. Stef explains to her daughter, Frankie rushes out of the room and goes up the stairs. I check Lena's pulse and it's weak, this is the last thing I expected to happened. Lena love can you open up your eyes for me please, l say to her. Stef knows she needs to stay calm and not scare the kids, l pour some water on the cloth and put it on Lena's forehead. She people who faint tend to wake up on their own, l don't wanna alarm Dana and Stuart. Sure they will worry Lena's their daughter, momma she said she's on her way over
Frankie says from the stair case, okay my sweet girl
Come give momma a hug Stef says. Frankie comes over and gives me a hug so tight, her heart beating so fast cause she's probably feeling anxious. She stays in my arms
Until she calms down some, we just sit and wait till Addison comes. Did mommy finish cooking, l question Francesca, she nods her head yes. Then we heard the door bell ringing, l get up and go see who it was on the camera
I see it's Addison carrying her medical bag. I unlocked the door and let inside, l everything that happened
She walks in the living and sees unconscious Lena on the sofa. Frankie how about you go on upstairs while l examine your mommy Addison said to Frankie,
I wanna down here with my mommy Francesca replies
Stef sees that Frankie isn't gonna leave Lena's side
Babe come on let's go into the kitchen and wait till auntie Addison finished with mommy okay love. Stef spoke in a stern tone, Francesca follows her momma into the other room. While Addison quickly exam Lena by checking her blood pressure, and check her heart. We just sit and wait
I hear Addison talking to someone in the living room
Me being the person I am l get up out my seat and go into the living room leaving Frankie in the kitchen, l see Lena awake and arguing with Addison. What the hell is going on here, l say to my wife to be best friend. We'll l was talk to your stubborn woman, about taking care of yourself
The reason why she fainted because her sugar was down to low, knowing she's supposed to check her glucose on a regular basis. She needs to get plenty of rest, since she's a diabetic, l'm leaving Stef makes she drinks some fluids
Addison tells me as she gets up. Thanks for coming over
I really appreciate Addison Stef walks Addison out the door, Stef l know Lena's been under a lot of stress
I hate to see her push herself to hard. I gave her a shot
She should take it easy, for a few days. Just make sure to keep her stress level down some, Addison explains
Oh you know l will Stef replied. I watched as Addison gets in her car and drives off, l head back in the house and see
Frankie lying down on the couch next to Lena.
Love why you go get wash up for dinner while l talk to mommy alright Stef says to Frankie, she gives Lena a kiss and goes on upstairs. I walk over to the stairs to see if she's gone, baby Addison was only looking out for you
Francesca was scared. You need to take it easy
You know your supposed to check your sugar regularly
Mhmm, now l'm gonna go and make plates and then
I'm gonna draw you a nice bath so you can relax
Stef says,   

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