we're back on the road again

18 3 0

Lena's: POv
Stef and I were up around 6am so we could take our showers before the rest of the ladies woke up
We took one together. I know last night we couldn't do anything major because we weren't in the room by ourselves, we were able to have sex in the shower
While everyone was still asleep, now we're downstairs having a continental breakfast. I had blue berry french toast and fruit, Stef went with butter milk waffles bacon eggs. We talked a little bit about what happened yesterday
I didn't really wanna discuss what had taken place on the bus, l took a sip my freshly squeezed orange juice
I'm praying we can get to Vegas some time today
I would rather fly to Vegas than being stuck on the bus with Teddy's drunken Ass. She doesn't know how to hold her liquid, l didn't have a drink or anything. We ordered pizza last night. Stef gave Addison some money towards the hotel room, since she paid. We always pay our way
I never liked being in debt to someone, l'm not even sure if. Theodore will give Addison her half towards the room
Alex looked to be embarrassed by Teddy's behavior
We're minding our business, l wonder why Christine and Kai didn't show up. Addison mentioned something about
Kai or Christina had the flu, Stef and I called the girls last night to check up things in Manhattan New York
Frankie said they were behaving themselves. When I asked her we're was Ariana, she said watching a movie
Baby l want you to try and have a good time on this trip
And ignore Teddy's obnoxious rude behavior. I kinda feel sorry for Alex cause it's her wife's fault, Teddy hasn't even apologized for also ruining our girls trip. If it was up to me, she'll be walking to Los Vegas Nevada
Hopefully she can keep her mouth shut l tell Lena
I got up to get a another cup of coffee and Lena some more fruit from the buffet. I looked over my shoulder and see Addison and Mariah come through the door holding hands, Mariah walks over in my direction
Hey Stef she says to me. Hi Mariah where's Teddy and Alex at, l asked her Teddy and Alex had to rush back to home. Due to a family emergency Mariah tells me
I hope it's nothing to serious Stef replies, maybe it's for the best Mariah told me. Yeah your right less drama
Stef responded, l head back to the table we're l see Lena and Addison talking, l sat Lena's plate down in front of her. Thanks baby Lena says to me, l guess you heard the news about Teddy and Alex leaving Addison tells Lena
My love just shakes her head and digs into her fruit salad
I go back to enjoying my breakfast. Lena excused herself from the table to go and get some more orange juice
is everything okay between you and Lena, Addison asks me. Lena and I are fine she's just been overwhelmed lately
Not that l should be telling you all this, l feel as though
I said to much already. So l'm gonna be quiet now
Stef says to Addison, I be Lena's best friend but l am your friend as well. So if you wanna talk l'm here Addison replies, Mariah and Lena come back to the table and took their seats. We all made general conversation once we got done eating, the four of us went back upstairs to our room. to our suitcases to take to the bus so we hit the road
Maybe we'll have a trip since Teddy and Alex left the group, l said to myself we enter the room gathered all our personal belongings. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, and fixed my hair in the mirror. After l'm done
I came out, and Stef went to use the restroom l put my tooth brush back in my essentials bag, l unzipped my suitcase and laid my cosmetic down inside. Addison and Mariah were getting their stuff together, I heard Stef come out the bathroom. We all made our way out the door, and walked down the hallway towards the lobby
Addison went to check out at the front desk. Stef and l went outside to see the bus pulling up, the driver opens the door. I walk up the steps and went straight to the back
I place my luggage on the top compartment, Stef came beside me and put hers next to mine. We went to our seats

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