March madness

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Lena's: POV
It's hard to believe that we're already in the month of March. Things have really picked up at the Tasty treats
We've been getting a lot of orders in, Emory and Asia have been doing an excellent job. We hired someone to take over Chris's position, after hearing he wasn't coming back
I couldn't afford to hold his spot open for to long. After speaking with My other half, was the decision difficult
Yes? We were losing money for not filling the spot
Our wedding Day is getting closer. Mariah and her wife Addison have been acting weird lately, l believe their up to something. I just can't put my finger as to what there up to, Alex l haven't heard from since the whole Gearld situation. Stef's has been extremely busy with her new clients, Francesca and Ariana doing really well in school
I'm sitting in my office doing the paperwork. We've just received a shipment in for more items for the bakery
While I have stocked up in the pantry, Stef and I recently finished up our premarital counseling two weeks ago
We learned a lot about each other. Now we're able to
Balance our relationship, we tend to keep our business relationship separate. These few months have been hard on my wife to be, Sharon's condition has gotten worse
Due to not taking her medication. Still no phone calls from Callie, she writes to let us know she's still alive
My parents are hanging in there, mom comes into the bakery from time to time to help out when needed
I've been thinking long and hard about hiring an assistant to help me out in the kitchen. Sure mom's comes in when I
Customers come in and request cakes and pies, Emory has come along way. Since I trained her for the manger position last year, Lacey continues to send me letters every two weeks. I'm glad things have been working out for her in San Diego, l have pick up our dresses from Ashley's boutique. I took them over to my parents home
We've all got our plane tickets to San Francisco, we'll be Riding in first class. Stef has been looking for a building
For her business, she said she's getting tired of going to meet her clients at different locations. Stef doesn't want have them come here, she thinks he would be bad for the bakery. Hopefully Stef finds a place to settle at, she purchased a new laptop, that's something that will come in handed. She has her business license, so she could have more customers in. Stef's a financial advisor which means
She helps people with there money and assets. Stef's good with math, l did her business cards. She does their business proposals as well, Stef always makes sure
She has them sign a disclosure form having her look into their finances. Stef gives her clients tips on how to save money. She set up a budget plan,

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