six week post-op appointment

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Stef's: POV
I was home with the babies while Lena went for her six week post-op appointment. I can't believe Harmony and Christopher are six weeks old already, Lena written everything down on a big poster board of the twins feeding and bedtime schedule. Lena's always planning ahead. She pumped several bottles before she left so I could be able to feed the babies, lately Lena's been getting up with Christopher and Harmony in the middle of the night. I told her to wake me up when they need to be changed or feed, tomorrow Stuart and Dana are leaving for their trip to London for a whole year, they asked us to keep an eye on their house while there away. Tonight they are coming over for dinner, l have to admit l'm gonna miss Sunday dinners at their place. I know the girls are going to miss them, l know l'm gonna miss going to the basketball games with Stuart. After putting the twins down for there morning nap, l go get started on a load of laundry. While there sleeping. Lena and I try to get things done when their asleep, cause if there awake we can't seem to get anything done around the house. I keep the baby monitor with me at all times, we have too of them
I hope Lena's appointment is going well because l don't remember the last time I made love to my wife. After putting the clothes in the washer machine, l carried the laundry basket of white clothes upstairs. I sat down in the living room, l went upstairs to check up on the twins
I enter inside the nursery and found them still sleeping peacefully in their cribs. I headed to Lena and our bedroom to get my cell phone off the charger, l grabbed my laptop and went back downstairs, l sat down on the couch and began folding clothes. Lena washes Harmony and Christopher's things separate from ours, l wonder what could be keeping Lena so long coming back from the doctors office. She went to check on Tasty treats, Lena has decided not to hire another chefs assistant. She will only be going to the bakery, when customers wanted special orders. Emory and Asia have been doing a really good job holding down the fork in her absence, Lena already taken out dinner for this evening Lena decided to cook this evening for her family. Stuart and Dana leave early tomorrow morning,

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