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Lena's: POV
Dinner this evening went exceptionally well
I never ate so much sea food in all my life
The staff was nice to us. There weren't any rude comments
Now we're heading to the strip club, this should be an interesting experience. I've never been to a club
Full of naked women before, just the thought of it
Makes me a little anxious. When we pulled up to the onyx night club, we went got up to the building. People were standing in line waiting to get in, a tall man was outside
I'm assuming he was the bouncer. Or security
Stef was holding my hand when the line begin moving forward, l reached down in my bag to take a twenty dollar out. to pay the admission fee to enter inside, we finally were in front of the line l handed the guy the money
He stamped my hand and gave me back my change
Which l put in my Micheal kors bag. Your ladies are in luck, tonight it's couples night he tells all of us. So many thoughts run through my mind, the four of us went inside
Women were walking around with bunny ears on top of their heads. I'm gonna go fine a table so we can sit down
At, Addison said over the loud music she walked off
I needed a drink Asp to get me through this night
Mariah, Stef and I headed over to the bra for some drinks
I sat down on to the bar stool looking at the menu on the wall. Stef was glancing all around the room, sometimes I forget she use to be detective a long time ago, Stef never shared the details of her job and I didn't bother to asked
This waitress has been yacking her head off ever since we sat down. It's only too other customers sitting there
She finally made her way over to the three of us,
And took our orders. Stef knew what kind of drink
I wanted, yes I get a rum and coke and a margarita
Stef says to the bartender. Mariah requested a absolute and cranberry with a splash of orange juice Mariah tells the girl, she walks off to make our drinks. I happened to look over my shoulder and spot Addison talking to some woman over in the corner, she was supposed to be getting a table for us. I guess I was wrong about her, Mariah was sitting on the other side facing the stage, maybe l'm imaging things. Just then l turned my head as if I didn't see anything, it wasn't my place to get involved in Addison and Mariah's business. Hopefully Stef didn't see it
My only hope Mariah doesn't catch her wife speaking to another person that wasn't her. The waitress brought over our beverages, and she sat them down on the counter top
Love you alright Stef asks baby l'm just little tired
Lena responds. I drank some of my margarita in the tall glass, Addison came over to tell us she found a spot for Us
to sit. I wanted to enjoy myself tonight and not let what I saw ruined my night out, we followed her towards the table. Stef pulled out my chair and l took a seat beside her
A guy got up on the stage to introduce the next girl
Everybody give it up for Queen he said, the girl comes on the floor and the music begins to play. She starts dancing really slow, l don't know if l have the guts to get up in front of all these people to shake my Ass in public
And watch a bunch of women throw money at me
I see her eyeing Addison carefully as swings her hips
The crowd goes wild. Stef rubs my thigh with her hand
I place my hand on top of hers and leave it there,
Ladies are throwing dollar bills at Queen, l whisper something in Stef's ear telling her this is making me a tad uncomfortable. What we gonna tell Addison and Mariah
Stef said to me, tell them l have a headache or something
She sees the expression on my face, I pulled out my phone
to get us a Lyft back to the hotel. I put in the address we're we were, and information to the hotel. Babe Addison said they wanna leave as well, Since we all came together
Stef states. We should have went to the casino instead
I looked at the time on my watch. It was 1:00 in the morning,

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