The drive back to the hotel

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Stef's: POV
I enjoyed dinner at ocean grill restaurant with my three favorite girls we ordered dessert. When the check came
Lena pulled out her wallet but I beat her to it instead
We had a minor disagreement over the bill, which didn't last long Lena ended leaving our waitress a forty dollar tip. I was shocked to find out Callie was at the same restaurant as us, l wonder what she was in San Francisco for. I haven't spoken to her in months Callie wrote me a few times but there was no return address on the envelope, she really doesn't want us knowing where she's at. I wonder mom knew Callie was in town even though
Mom lives all the way in San Diego l'm not gonna rack my brain over it like Lena told me Callie's a grown woman now, l feel like I don't know my own little sister anymore
I hope she's doing well and not still escorting. I pulled into the parking garage and parked the mini van, l see Ariana has fallen asleep it's been a pretty long day for all of us
Frankie was wide awake playing a game on her iPad
Lena gets out the car and walk towards the back seat
Then she opens the door and unstrap Ariana from her booster seat pick her up in her arms. Ariana lies her head on Lena's shoulder, this is why I want us to have another baby. Because l love seeing how Lena so loving towards our children, l know it wasn't the right time to bring it up
Lena said she would think about it. That was over a year ago we discuss adoption the more I thought about it
All the things we would have to deal with like getting Foster license, we have to attend countless work ships
We have to have our home inspected there was so much we needed to go through. Dealing with the birth parents trying to get the child back, that's a Risk l don't want us to take in case the kids get attached to the little boy. Plus we had Sofia and Gigi to consider, the girls are use having dogs around them. They grew up with Sofia especially Ariana, we won't be giving our pets away their sweet loving. There very protective over Francesca and Ariana
And very well trained l might add, we walked inside the hotel we're we were greeted by Tim the front desk manger
We speak kindly to him. And be on our way down towards the elevator, l put my arm around Francesca's shoulder
Baby did yourself this evening Stef asked her oldest daughter. Momma l really had a nice time can we stay up and watch movies tonight pretty please Frankie begs me
What movies did you wanna watch Stef asked her eight year old daughter. Home alone one and two and the next karate kid with Jalen Smith l heard it was real good
Francesca explains. We stepped out the elevator and walk down the hall,

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