Lena's hidden past

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Lena's: POV
The babies have been crying non stop for the past twenty minutes. We've got back from the pediatrician where they had gotten their immunizations no matter what I did nothing seem to help, l held them rocked them
I changed their diapers. They wouldn't nurse
The girls were at school, Stef went to visit her mother
in San Francisco at the assist living facility. It's been three months since my parents left for London and l'm here by myself, Harmony finally dozed off to sleep and Christopher who just staring at me with amazement
You love giving mommy a hard time handsome
Lena says to her son. Look at all that curly brown hair you got, l know you don't understand what l'm saying
Baby you need to go sleep it's nap time Lena said
Christopher closes his eyes and drifts off into a peaceful sleep. I head down to our bedroom and change my clothes
I through on a pair Levi jeans and one of Stef's hoodies
It smells just like her. We made love last night to three in the morning, because she needed to be at the airport at 8am sharp. Her flight wasn't due to leave the terminal till 10am, Stef won't get to San Francisco until this afternoon
Since it's Monday she would be back home till Friday evening. I often to go with her for moral support
Stef told me this was something she needed to do on her own, l never questioned her judgement but I don't trust Sharon of all people regardless of her mental state of mind. I believe she's using this illness to get Stef's attention, l wished that I didn't feel this way about my mother in law. She said a lot of hurtful things in front of our children, l know my wife can hold her own when it comes to defending our family. But why l get the feeling
Something's gonna happen, my intuition is always on point. I pray with everything in me l'm wrong
I head downstairs to do a little house work while the twins are napping, l go to the supply closet and take out the furniture polish to wipe down the oak coffee table
In the living room and then l go get the bloom and dust pan to sweep the dining room and kitchen floors. I try and keep the house clean but when you have kids it's hard
The babies are four months old. It's only a matter of time they'll be crawling around getting into stuff, their already teething. There pediatrician says it can start as little as three months, they weren't your typical fraternal twins
There developing faster than most baby's. Because they have hidden talents and abilities no one has ever seen before, l went out and got everything for the ceremony
I have to perform it before the full moon comes, it's a ritual that's been passed down from generation to generation. I did it with the girls when they were four months old, Savannah will be here on Thursday
It has to be done before midnight, l do these things for the safety of our children so no evil can come near them
They will always be protected. I rarely use my magic
I can cast spells, make potions and so on. Often times
I can change my appearance if I wanted to. Everything l do.
is for the greater good for my love ones, l don't practice black magic unless someone threatens my family
I inherited this gift from my great grandmother's mother Elizabeth Adams. She took after her mom who was a witch, she would see things before it happen. Eliza was her name, she did spellcasting heal the sick with the laying of the hands. My gift has been past on to our daughter's and son, l have no control over the matter even my father has the gene. Mother doesn't share our qualities
Some people are scared of what they don't understand
All my life l have tried to ignore the calling, my dad told me that it's part of my heritage and I didn't have a choice
When Stef and I were on our honeymoon and we ran into that mean old wicked lady, Stef has her suspicions
Sharon knows not to cross me cause I could do her in
That's why she doesn't like me because I know her darkest secrets she does not want reveled. I already uncovered one of them, that Stef's sister isn't Frank's daughter
Sharon was pregnant when her and Frank got together
He later adopted Callie as his own, Stef barely knows the truth.

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