exploring the boat

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Stef's: POV
After Lena and I showered together she fell asleep in her arms. I kissed her on the forehead, wrote her little note
Saying l was taking Francesca and Ariana exploring
I went to the girls room and tell them we were going on a adventure, they put their shoes back on. Momma where mommy, Frankie asks me mommy's taking a nap
I tell her. I made sure l had everything before leaving out the cabin, where we ran into Amy on our way down the hall. She began telling me about the activities they had on board, then she mentions something about a scavenger hunt. We're the winner receives a shopping spree in the Disney store and they're have lunch with the Disney princesses, Ariana's face lit up like a Christmas tree
Amy said to me. How do I get my girls signed up
I asked Amy, oh anybody who comes on board the Disney cruise. is already registered she explains, l just nod my head. I can give you a tour around the ship so you won't get lost, it's easy to get lost on this boat because there's so much to see and do. I've been doing this job for over eight years, we get a lot of passsagers with small children
Who lose their way. She told me as we were walking down the stairs, Ariana holds my hand. Amy continues talking about there's three games rooms on the third floor and the movie theater they have. I have never anyone who talks so much, what about the restaurants and ice cream parlors. Frankie asks Amy, we have those to plus there's a build a bear workshop where you get to create your own teddy bear. We have three large swimming pools.
One for adults and the other one for the small kids
The final one is for the older children, Amy tells Francesca
Excuse me for a moment l'm getting a call on my walkie talker. Amy informed me, momma she seems kinda strange, Frankie says to me. Babe she's just doing her job making sure everybody's enjoying there selves, l try to explain to my daughter. Momma she was openly flirting with you right in front of us, Francesca whispers low
No she wasn't l respond back. Whatever you say momma
Mommy won't be too pleased once she finds out Amy's trying to make a play for you Frankie replies, how do you even about something like that l questioned my daughter
it's all in her body language Frankie talks. This child is to smart for her own good at times, we leave Amy where she's at. We're fine our own way around, the last thing I don't need is Lena getting pissed off at me. I'm been staying on her good side lately and l don't wanna do anything to jeopardize her trust in me, Amy saw Lena get on board with me and the girls. I'm trying not to take
Frankie's words to seriously, Ariana starts screaming
When she sees Mickey and Minnie mouse. She runs over to them, and hugs them. Frankie covers her face
I chase after her, sorry you guys she's big fans of yours
Stef says to the couple. It's no trouble he tells me
Momma momma can I take a picture with Mickey and Minnie please, she begs me. Okay go stand over there
I tell Ariana, Ariana's in the middle of the girl and boy
Stef snaps the picture. Ariana just as smiling bright
Thanks you guys we really appreciate it, l shake there hands. How bout you and your family joined us for breakfast if your not to busy Minnie mouse asked me
Sure what time l asked, what about 10am Sharp Mickey replied. Alright we'll see you at the diner down on the second floor, they waved to us, Ariana you can't be shouting like that in public. I get your excited but you need to calm down, l say it where only she can hear me
I'm sorry momma l was super excited Ariana Stated
She takes my hand. Francesca walks behind us

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