The horse track

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Stef's: POV
My father in law and I just arrived at the horse
We went up to Booth and he placed his bet on Wild stallion and black beauty. He gave the man two hundred dollars, a hundred dollars a piece on each horse
Stephanie are you sure you don't want in on this Stewart asks. No l'm good Stef replied, well you don't know what your missing Stewart tells me as we took our seats in the bleachers, Dad how often do you come to these races Stef says. Every three months or so, l brought Francesca here
When you guys were on your honeymoon Stewart replied
Stef's not sure if she likes the idea of her eight year daughter coming to the race track. Mm Stef was the only thing she could utter, l use to bring Lena here when she was around ten or so. Stewart Stated, Dana said she was two young. Lena was my good Luck charm Stewart explains, the announcer spoke in the blow horn saying that the race was about to start in five minutes Stef slipped on her diet cola. As she looked and saw the guys get settled on the horses at the gate, Stewart was looking at spreadsheet of all the players names. Of the ones who won in the previous race, the older man is hoping black stallion wins the race. He would received 5k if he comes in first, Stewart made a wish on his luck coin would always bring him me good fortune, everyone take your places
The announcer yells out loud. He raises the gun up in the air, she shot the gun and the horses off around the track
Go black stallion go Stewart shouts out loud. Stef's looking through the binoculars as she stood up from her seat
She sees black stallion is in the lend with black beauty
Stef was enjoying herself as long as she didn't place any bets on the horses. The race lasted about two hours
At the end black stallion won the race, Stewart and Stef
Went to the counter and collected his winnings. The man counted out the money, Stewart wanted to make sure he was getting correct amount of cash. The hands him the money, Stewart moved over to the side counted out his cash. Excuse sir you only gave me 2k l was supposed to received 10k Stewart knew the guy was trying to cheat him out of all his cash. I would like to speak with your manager, Stewart said the young man was scared
He was only on the job for three months he couldn't afford to lose his job. He had a baby on the way
When his boss came over, Stewart explained the situation
John wasn't pleased that Chris tried to cheat one of his best customers out there money. John went behind
The counter and counted out the cash, Chris stood back and watched. Stef was busy texting her wife
John gave Stewart a little extra for his troubles

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