The flight back to New York

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Stef's: POV
Our flight back to New York was uneventful because Lena was sick as a dog. The girls were happily enjoying their movie, this pregnancy was doing a number on my poor baby. She finally stopped throwing up after thirty minutes
She not to long fell asleep, l made sure Lena drunk plenty of liquids to build back her strength again. Lena manage to drink some Gatorade, to give her some nutrients
I'm gonna make sure she takes it easy for the next few days. I know she isn't gonna like the idea of staying home
I rather be safe than sorry when it comes to the safety of our unborn babies that's growing inside her womb.
I know Lena's use to doing things on her own but somebody has to draw the line. I'm putting my foot down on the matter, she has an appointment with the doctor next week. Lena can be stubborn at times but l can stubborn right along with her, l just pray nothing's seriously wrong. Hopefully it's a 72 hour virus and that's it. The girls really enjoyed their vacation after winning the scavenger hunt, l had no doubt in my mind they were going to nail it. We don't them to be overly competitive
I looked over at my girls and they had fallen asleep
Lena's is sleeping soundly beside me. I can't wait to sleep in our own bed again, those cabin beds are uncomfortable
I received a two emails and I got two potential clients requesting they were looking for a financial advisor
I sent them a brief description of everything I do
including my hourly rate, l like for people to know ahead of time what kind of services l provide. So far l've been getting a reviews on my business, the flight attendant makes an announcement over the loud speaker saying that we should be arriving in new York City in the next twenty minutes. I make sure to look around my area and see if l'm leaving anything of my personal belongings around, l put my neck pillow and fleece blanket in my small suitcase, Frankie and Ariana will be going back to school next month on the 22 of September that's on a Monday. Addison's supposed to be coming down to visit
The first week of August, my heart goes out to her and those kids. I can't believe Mariah just up and left her wife and children, for another woman. Lena hasn't said to much about it, l don't blame her for not getting involved
She has a enough on her hands with the bakery and being pregnant. My one number priority is keeping her stress free.

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