time with momma

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Stef's: POV
After Frankie and I got back home from the fair
I was exhausted from all the rides we rode
It felt good spending time with my daughter
I see a note on the refrigerator from Lena telling me
My dinner was in the microwave. I heated up my food
While my dinner was warming up, l went over to the refrigerator to get me a cold bottle of cranberry juice
Stef went over and took her food out. The plate was steaming hot l sat the dish down on the table, l spooned a fork full of the chicken Alfredo with broccoli into my mouth, it just melts in your mouth l try to savory every bite. Lena made this french Italian bread l love it goes good with the pasta, tomorrow l decided to take Ariana to round one arcade. She barely said two words to me
When I enter the house this evening. After talking with Lena, l never meant to exclude my sweet angel
What Lena said Ariana felt like l didn't love anymore that nearly broke my heart to pieces. I did not mean to neglect my daughter's feelings, sometimes l get so wrapped up with work, that I don't notice Ariana's been feeling this way. Why kinda of mother am I who ignores her own child, and leaving Lena to fill in the gaps in my absence
I love both my girls the same that I would lay down my life for all of them. I hear somebody coming down the stairs, princess what are you still doing up, l thought mommy put you in bed a few hours ago Stef says to Ariana. The little girl walks over to Stef, momma l couldn't sleep, Ariana said awe come here baby and tell momma what's really bothering you. Mommy tells me you feel like l don't love you or spend time with you, is that true
Stef questions. Why do you always do things with Frankie and not me, sometimes l wish you could take me out
to do things with me to as well. Francesca always gets to go to go to all these places not me, mommy takes me on outings and we have fun together, your my momma too
I shouldn't be hurt but l am momma. Ariana Stated
You are so wise beyond your years, did you know that Frankie felt the same way when you were first born,
She hid in the closet one day we thought she ran away from home. She was hiding in back of her closet
It litterly took mommy and me several hours before we found her asleep in the closet, momma's so sorry she made you feel unloved. Being your mom is one of the greatest gifts in the world, when the doctor laid you on
Mommy's chest after they doctors cleaned you up
You gripped my finger. Stef said, momma l love you so much and l forgive you Ariana tells Stef, the blonde picks up her little girl in her arms and hugs Ariana tight planting kisses all over her face. Alright little Miss
Let momma wash her plate out and I'll carry you up to your room, you need your beauty sleep because tomorrow you my sweet pea you and I are going out for the day Stef says to Ariana. Really momma where?
Ariana has a huge smile on her round face, baby it's a surprise, Stef States. Ariana got down off Stef's lap
Stef went to wash her dishes in the sink, while Ariana waited patiently for her momma to finished. She was excited to have her momma all to herself tomorrow, it would be just the two of them going out. Once Stef was done, her and Ariana went upstairs Stef helped Ariana in bed and tunk her baby girl in bed and kissed her good night on the head. Ariana hugged her new teddy bears she had gotten earlier, Stef stayed with Ariana until she drifted off to a peaceful nights sleep. Times like these Stef will always treasure, watching Ariana sleep.

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