it feels good to be back home again

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Lena's: POV
After landing safety in New York City it felt good to be back home. I didn't think l'll ever get back home again
Don't get me wrong l enjoyed our time away with our daughter's. It's just something about being in the comforts of my private sanctuary, l'm pretty wiped out physically
As soon as I get home l wanna take a nice warm bubble bath and turn in early. Being also five months pregnant
This pregnancy is different from the last two pregnancies
I had, these babies are quite active 24/7 their constantly moving all over the place. The car is picking us from the airport, so we sit in the airport terminal waiting
Stef took Ariana to the bathroom. Frankie who's sitting beside me looking all around, I have the strangest feeling
The girls went on a little adventure during the scavenger hunt. My instincts tell me they went on a time travel mission, l see Stef and Ariana making there way over to us
I probably rest up the rest of the week and go back to the bakery next week. Dad has been keeping me up to date of everything that's been happening going on in my absence
It seems my employees have been doing an amazing job
My phone started buzzing. I take out my cell phone and see it's a message from the car service telling me the driver is about pulled up in four minutes or so, l let Stef know. Baby David's about to arrive here soon, Lena says to her wife, the girls get their suitcases while Stef take ours. As l stand up and we begin making our way through towards the exit, sweetheart are you feeling better she asks me. I just wanna get home and unwind take a bath
And go to sleep, Lena answers. Babe l want you to take it easy this week and just relax don't worry about tasty treats. I popped on my break Stef said, thank you baby for always taking care of me l don't know what l would do without you in my life, tears begins falling down my cheek. Awe love don't cry Stef kisses me on the lips
The car is already parked out front. David gets out the vehicle to assist us with our luggage, we all get in the car
I was the last one. Welcome back Mrs. Foster how was trip
David asked, it was very peaceful David l tell him and got in the back seat and buckle up. Francesca and Ariana were behind us, l lean my head on Stef's shoulder like l did on the plane. David gets in and starts up the car and pulls out of the parking space, Stef rubs my stomach. We drove off
Stef knows l don't like everyone touching my belly
I have always been cautious when l come in contact with strangers. It doesn't take us long to get home
Because there wasn't a lot of traffic on the expressway
Which is a blessing, David came around to open the doors for us to get out. The girls were out before us, Stef told them to get their bags and take it inside, l thanked David for coming and picking us up, no problem Mrs. Foster
I hope you and your family enjoy the rest of your day
Call me if you need anything else David tells me
I will call you soon l gave him a hundred dollar bill
How many times do I have to tell you Mrs. Foster
You don't have to give me a tip, l'm more than happy to take you where ever you need to go David replies
He got back in the car and drives off. We head inside

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