How hard it is

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-Haneul POV-

I've had plenty of time to worry about my return to school and I'm going to hold my head high.

No, I'm not. I thought I would but now that I'm actually here, I remember how hard it is to stand in front of all these judging eyes and pretend like they don't bother me.

Fortunately, there's been an unexpected assembly and everyone is busy wondering what it is about. I wandered to the very back of the auditorium, trying to avoid the crowds of students. nearby, I recognized someone I especially tried avoiding.

Chohyeon didn't seem to notice me and I prayed she'd be too focused on Mrs. Bae on stage to realize.

"Good Morning Seoul students. As lovely as it is to see everyone's dear faces, the situation to be recognized is not something I am proud of. As many may know, there was recently a conflict among two students which was disturbed by our former principal. This complication has not been terminated.
Now, I want students to know that it is absolutely unacceptable to share inappropriate images of anyone with or without their permission. As minors, it is considered a form of sexual harassment and will receive reprimands.
To conclude this assembly, I am proud to state that I am to become your new principal. There will be slight changes to come but do not fear as I will work my very hardest to make these the best educational years for all my dear students. Thank you for your time and I wish everyone happy holidays."

I felt more at ease after Mrs. Bae's speech. I even began walking casually into the herd of students. People didn't seem to care as much as I'd worried they would. Lamentably, that did not apply to everyone.

"Park Haneul."

I ducked instinctively at the aggrieved tone. Many classmates turned to the owner of the voice nosily.

I pulled my hood up and marched over to Chohyeon.

"What the hell do you want?" I whispered as angrily as one could whisper.

She rolled her eyes and slipped my silver charm bracelet off her wrist and into the palm of my hand. I clutched it softly, confused.

"Don't be grateful or anything. This isn't a goodbye, it's a see you later. And in the meantime, I will be sending someone to keep you company. Choi Jiwoon. This-" she pointed at the fisted bracelet, "-this is proof that i will be back."

I frowned at my hand as I heard Chohyeon stride away.

All of this trouble because of some girl and her father who've nothing better to do.

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