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-Haneul's POV-

I mentally prepared myself to make a run for it. I had given my umbrella to Jin and regretted it deeply. But then again, maybe he lives farther away. Taking one last bite from my cookie before stuffing the rest in my pocket, I reached for the handle of the door.

As soon as I stepped out of the cafe a hand reached for my wrist. Before I could look up to see their face, they wrapped their arm around my shoulder and began heading in the direction of my apartment.

Afraid and not knowing who was next to me, I stopped in my tracks and shoved the person away from me. I could only notice their umbrella.

"Damn, are you okay Haneul?!"

"Am I okay?! Yoongi, I thought I was being kidnapped!"

"What, I told I would wait for you outside!"


"When you were paying for whatever you bought."

I must too consumed in my thoughts to notice.

"Oh... I'm sorry Yoongi."

I wasn't only apologizing for pushing him away just now. I wanted to apologize for being petty but I didn't want to bring it up either. I could feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Hey, are you okay?" He bent down a little to be eye level with me. Placing one arm on my shoulder and the other holding the umbrella, he shook me slightly. I stayed silent, afraid that if I spoke my tears would fall.

"You ignored Jimin and I the whole time we were here and now your acting like this. If there's something bothering you, tell me right now."

I hugged him and began crying as quietly as possible. I pulled away, wiped away my tears with my oversized sleeves and pulled out cookie. As I began nibbling away at my cookie, Yoongi chuckled.

Once again, he pulled me closer to him and we continued walking. I couldn't help but feel flustered. Yoongi rarely acts caring toward anyone, so I felt special every time he did toward me.

Soomin always complains that I'm the only one who knows how to make him soft. Even I know she's not wrong.

We finally arrived outside my apartment. I could feel my heart beating loudly. I knew I had to give some sort of explanation for my actions earlier.

"About earlier today, at the cafe, I'm sor-"

Yoongi cut me off before I could rant. He ruffled my hair and walked away.

Um okay then.

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