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-Haneul's POV-

"Dare." Yoongi said.

I got up, went to my bedroom, and came back with a blindfold in my hand. I began blindfolding Yoongi. Everyone just watched silently.

"Once I finish blindfolding you, you're gonna stand up and spin yourself 15 times. We're gonna move around and stand in one place. Then you're gonna walk around and the first person you touch, you have to lick. And you must lick them where you touched them."

I tightened his blindfold and a series of "Ooh's" and "aah's" escaped the others' mouths.

"Kinky, I like it."

Of course Jimin said that.

"I'm surprised you could come up with something like that, Haneul..."

I chuckled at Yeonha's comment, "Um thanks? I guess."

We were trying hard to be quiet as we moved around. Yoongi stopped spinning and could barely stand straight. I made sure I stood behind him, thinking he would go straight forward.

Once we were in place, there were giggles coming from every corner of the room. No one wanted to be licked by Yoongi, so we tried shushing each other. It quickly became a quiet room full of shushes and giggles.

Yoongi walked around for a minute before turning around and heading straight toward my direction. I freaked out but I was the one who said we weren't allowed to move once we were in place.

Right when I thought Yoongi's hand would touch my collarbone, Taehyung who was next to me threw himself in front of me. Yoongi's hand hit Taehyung's shoulder.

Yoongi removed his blindfold and groaned in disgust. Everyone came closer and started yelling at Taehyung for cheating. It felt like I was watching one of those scenes in movies, the ones where everyone is talking over each other and you can't understand what anyone is saying.


Everyone became quiet and looked at Yoongi, who was obviously the most confused.

"Haneul was the only one not screaming, so I want to listen to her," he turned to look at me, "What happened?"

I stood awkwardly, while everyone looked at me.

Gosh, why ask me? I don't know what to say... should I just be honest? But then he'd probably have to lick me. But if I lie then everyone will be mad at me. Why did I even choose this as a dare?!

"Well... you were headed my way but then Taehyung must have lost his balance because you ended up hitting him."

"He obviously didn't lose his balance... he didn't want Yoongi to lick you so he moved in front of you."

At least Yeonha believes I actually thought he did it on accident.

"You know what? Why go through the trouble of seeing who's lying and who's not and just lick Taehyung's shoulder."

Yeah, that's a good idea Hobi.

"What?! No, yoongi was totally supposed to hit Haneul's neck! He should lick her."

If only Soomin wasn't absolutely amazing at arguing. She would literally be the best lawyer out there, she's that good at winning arguments.

"We're not arguing about who's licking who... just lick both of them."

Taehyung and I looked at each other and I gave him an apologetic look.

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