8: God sent me as Karma

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"Rowen–and the rest of our distant family–is trying to destroy your marriage."

Izuku felt her stomach drop from that confession and couldn't believe it. 

"B-But... But I don't understand, why would you and the rest of your family not like my marriage with Kacchan? I've never even met you until now!" Izuku asked with worry. 

"Our family is known in the business industry, and knowing that you are also a part of our family, that means you have to follow the business too." Rowen answered. 

"T-That's ridiculous! I've never had anything to do with you or your family ever, so it doesn't make any sense why I need to be involved with you guys now!" Izuku exclaimed.

"Answer me this, Rowen, when officially did the Gem family decide Izuku and Katsuki–and their relationship–as a target?" Emra demanded. 

"I-It was back a few years ago when Rin was discovered to be cheating on Sophie and targeting you instead." Rowen answered nervously. 

What Rowen is talking about is another cousin of all of them; Sophie Gem–a reporter and writer–was married to a man who claimed to be a reporter; Rin Kōkogaku. Though Rin appeared as a very interested reporter in doing an interview with Izuku, it ended up that Rin revealed to try to rape Izuku and sexually assualted her. 

The incident ended up so badly, that Rin had to appear in court and was charged for not only multiple sexual assualts on women but 2nd degree homicide, and also had to deal with a divorce by Sophie. Izuku struggled for a bit back when the incident happened, but managed to get over the traumatic incident thanks to Katsuki and everyone else supporting her.

( The events that I just shared happen in chapter 145 of My Old Hero in case you guys don't know what I'm talking about. Moving on! )

"You... This is started when Rin tried to rape me? Do you have any idea how scary that was to me?!?! I was terrified when I had to go into that courtroom and explain my part of the story in front of that monster! Then are you saying Sophie was targeting me as well?!?" Izuku yelled, raising her voice. 

"No, Sophie was never a part of wanting to be in the plan, and it's not like we expecting Rin to do something like that to you either. Rin not only caused you trauma, but he pretty much damaged a bit of our reputation as the Gem family since he was such a popular figure marrying into the family. The point is, since you married a hero instead of a business prodigy or something, it also hurt our reputation more." Rowen explained.

"Like I said before, I barely even know your side of the family and have done nothing wrong! Rin was the one that caused the problem back then, not me!" Izuku repeated. 

"I think that since we have the reason cleared, I wanna know something right now, Rowen. Is Rosie taking part in this plan right now?" Emra asked. 

Rowen gulped as sweat streamed down his face as he was terrified to even answer. 

"Hm? Rosie? Who's Rosie?" 

"She's another one of our distant cousins and Rowen's sister, so tell me before you know what I'll do to you." Emra threatened. Rowen tried to keep his mouth shut for a few more minutes, but he couldn't stand it anymore.


Right after he confessed that, Emra immediately slammed her left fist on the top of Rowen's head and he instantly passed out. 

"Wha- W-Why would you do that?!?!" 

"Because we have all the information we need, and it's not like I can't fill you in on any more information. But I figured Rosie would be behind this plan as well, as the second you told me you found a Bright Red lipstick kiss mark on Katsuki's neck and that he smelled like Roses it led me to another one of my cousins. Which means that Katsuki wasn't really cheating on you." Emra explained. 

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