29: Electrified

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Weeks had passed since the fight against Amber, and Izuku was perfectly healed and able to go back to work like nothing happened. 

Well except for the fact that the facility had to go under construction for a little while since a certain someone decided to blow it up. 

Besides all of that, Izuku kept noticing more and more good things showing up from Katsuki, like for instance; his willingness when it came to the kids. He kept his word when he said he would make breakfast and dinner for them, would take turns with Izuku when it came to putting the kids to bed and other things. 

Another fantastic thing was that Katsuki was always suggesting where they should go out for the weekend, and Izuku can't complain about that.

And one other great thing that Katsuki has started doing–which Izuku is even more thrilled about–is that today was the first day that Katsuki said he would take the kids with him to his agency. At first the greenette was obviously worried since she instantly thought that Katsuki taking the kids with him to work meant being in action and patrol all the time, but Katsuki persuaded her that he wouldn't be doing anything dangerous, so she caved in. 

So now this is the first time she's at work and not having to worry about her kids and she can focus on her work.

"You seem to be acting happier than usual, it's refreshing to say." Melissa noted. 

"I am a lot happier, Melissa! It was great already that Kacchan is finally helping me with our kids, but it's even better knowing that he's fully responsible and willing to take them with him to his work." Izuku answered. 

"Wouldn't you be worried about that? He is the Number 1 hero which means he does a lot of the dangerous stuff." Melissa asked. 

"Don't worry, he told me he was just going to be doing paperwork all day since he'd taken a lot of days off a few weeks ago to focus on me. I'm just so glad I can come to work without worrying about the kids for once!" Izuku said with gleamy eyes. 

"I wonder how he's doing right now with three kids that're surrounded by nothing but heroes." Melissa muttered.

Best Jeanist and all the other heroes in the agency stood there in awe as Katsuki stood at the front entrance with the twins in each arm and Katsuma hugging his leg. To make the situation a bit cuter was the fact that little Katsuma was wearing a mini hero suit designed just like his dad's. 

Nobody could believe their eyes as Katsuki seemed pretty calm and almost confident with all three kids on him. 

"Ah- Dynamite... are these kids... who I think they are?" Best Jeanist asked, almost unsure how to ask. 

"Who else would they be, they're my kids." Katsuki stated, and everyone felt like they were about to pass out. 

"I-I see... A-Any reason why they're here with you today and not... with somewhere safer?" Best Jeanist asked. 

"It's my turn to watch 'em, so I brought them with me and all I'm doing is paperwork today. These are the twins; Izuki and Izumu, and this is Katsuma." Katsuki introduced.

Katsuma looked up at Best Jeanist, pointed at him and exclaimed; 

"Papa, it's G-Genie!" 


"Oh yeah, Deku showed Katsuma some videos of you to him and now that's what he calls you." Katsuki explained. 

'Of all things a child would call me, I've never been called a Genie. Should I take that as an insult or what?' Best Jeanist thought. 

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