50: Reason

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"Where are my adorable grandkids~?" Mitsuki hummed with excitement. 


"Katsuma, were you hiding from me? Did you miss me?" Mitsuki said as the little boy ran straight into her arms and hugged her. 

"Uh huh! I miss Mimi, and Masu, and Koko!" he answered. 

"Cute! My grandson's so sweet!" Masaru cried. 

"Yah! Pull yourself together old man!" Katsuki yelled. 

It was now New Year's Day and both Izuku and Katsuki's parents wanted to come together and celebrate the New year that was ahead of them. 

"Have you been resting enough, Izuku? You look a little paler than usual." Inko asked with worry. 

"N-No need to worry, mom, just had to work a little more recently, but I'm okay." Izuku said, hoping not to worry her mother since her mother didn't know what'd been going on.

"Don't worry, Aunt Inko, I've been keeping an eye on Izuku for you." Ah yes, and Emra, Takashi and their daughter; Erica, were invited for the New Year's Day dinner as well. 

"I just don't want my daughter to be getting involved in something dangerous." Inko sighed, as Izuku tried not to sweat it. 

"N-No~ I'm already busy at the facility, and with the kids." Izuku stated as she averted her eyes from her worried mother. 

"Are you feeling better after all the work you've done, Izuku?" Emra asked, clearly being careful what to say around Izuku since they weren't alone. 

"U-Uh- yeah! I got all yesterday off to rest so I'm a lot better!" Izuku answered, hoping Inko wouldn't notice her answer.

"Seems you're not as worried today like you were the other day about Izuku?" Takashi asked. 

"Tch- I'm always worried, I'm allowed to be worried about my own wife." Katsuki huffed. 

"And there's nothing wrong with that, I was just going to say that you're gonna have to be like a guard dog to not just Izuku, but your kids now." Takashi stated. 

"Arg- it was already annoying looking out because of those guys, but now that they think messing with my kids is okay, they got another thing comin'." Katsuki said as his hands clenched into fists. 

"Izuku, Katsuki, me and Takashi would like to talk to you for a moment before we get into the festivities." Emra noted. 

"Ah-" The greenette and blond looked at each other and knew that whatever this talk was about was gonna be serious.

"Did you want to talk to us alone about what we could be facing, Emra?" Izuku asked the second they got outside the house to have this little chat. 

"Yes, as I've already gotten information from Cole that either Dean or Alex will be approaching soon." Emra answered. 

"Oh yeah, you said something to me the other day about this Dean guy." Katsuki brought up. 

"Yes, and what I told you was that Dean is the least likely to be an actual threat, as his ice quirk is the weakest compared to Diana and Damian, and he actually doesn't use his quirk. I even asked both Diana and Damian if they knew if Dean's quirk had gotten any stronger since the last time I saw him, but they both gave me the same answer and said he hasn't used it since he gained a branch of Gem Industries of his own. But that doesn't mean he won't try and hire someone to try and attack you two for him." Emra explained.

"Emra, this has been bothering me, but when you and Cole were talking about everyone in the family, you easily got annoyed when Damian and Dean were brought up. Any reason behind that, and I know you said they're perverts, but is that is?" Izuku asked. 

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