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Sera POV
"Seraaa!!! " I woke up to her terrifying voice."God ,what happened Ava ? Did you finally lost the left portion of your brain or what?". She laughed at that .
"Hahaha, look at your face it looks like somebody poured a bottle of ketchup on the top of fancy pasta and made you eat it. Hahaha, By the way you need to get up , pretty up and have breakfast I ordered chef's special, don't ask me the name, I cannot pronounce it in this lifetime,Thank God they have number assigned to each dish and we need to go to shopppppiiing!! , Understood, Now what are you still doing in the bed, playing blanket monster? Hmm? ". "How can you speak so much in a single breath ? " I asked her genuinely concerned and the she suddenly grabbed my blankets and started pulling me towards bathroom . " I'm going, I'm going ".  " Not fast enough Sera , not fast enough ". With completing everything up
and that includes bathing and getting pretty up, Is that even a word? we got our breakfast which was awesome but again every single food is awesome and here we are now shopping for tonight.
" You are so  wearing this dress tonight, no question asked , it suits you and your personality just perfect, I'm so proud of myself " She said fake crying, the dress actually does call for me to wear it but dress definitely called me really late I mean we have been searching the whole mall for past 3 hours  , Ava found her dress almost instantly, she can rock every outfit, but me I dress a certain way, I am not comfortable with wearing just anything. It's a bit expensive,I do have the  Gold credit card that uncle gave us saying that it has no limit,  I think I'm gonna buy it with my savings that I collected by part time working during  school , I really don't want to waste his money unnecessarily. He already is paying for the whole trip and everything including it . So here we go .
"Okay , pack it please".

" Don't you think it's a bit too much". 
" A little eyeshadow, eyeliner and lipstick is not damn too much and put that micellar water down."   Okayy so plan didn't work . "People are going to make fun of me ". " Oh yeah, tell that to her "  she said getting aside from mirror and I finally got look at myself and I really do look kinda hot, I never thought I would use that term to describe me
" What coloured you speechless ? " She asked " Now come on , let's colour those hot italian hunks speechless ".

"How are  we going to get an entry " I asked Ava " Se legal age here is 18 , don't worry ". " Oh , I didn't know that " .   She smiled at me pulled me towards this La serene club at the ground floor of this hotel which is apparently really separated from rest of the hotel.

" This.. is.. a club?"  I  whispered to myself looking at the surroundings , a what's the word , yeah sensual right sensual music playing at the back , smell of alcohol and I don't know what else hit me strong as soon as I entered in here , I think I'm not going to like it much but Avy loves it for some reason and I'm going to bear this place for her, I guess I mean there's a first for everything you should always try new things , she is continuously pulling me towards a bar counter cutting through a thick crowd . "There, come on Sera now what would you like to try it's your night ". " Nothing containing alcohol for sure, I would like stay sober at a place like this". She was going to object but suddenly a voice asked Ava ". Why is a gorgeous lady like you here all alone?" We looked at the man , and he was pretty decent looking. " Well you see handsome , I'm not alone but hey I'm Ava and this is my bestie Sera ".  she said in a bored tone  huh that's a first as I told you she is  ready to flirt with anybody and by that tone only I can tell you she is intrigued by his personality and honestly he is really handsome when notice his features in proper light he screams authority in a way he is dressed up and carrying himself well." Well, hello Ava and her bestie, I'm Pietro Gallo and it's a pleasure to meet two beautiful faces within a same day and I'm not going to linger things by saying more waste of things , you are beautiful not just body wise but sass wise too, it is  dripping from your very face not that hard to read and I have been looking at you since the moment you entered in here you my lady are hard to miss so would you like to have drink with me ?". He asked and pointed to VIP booth for two  with a gorgeous smile and later a smirk when he saw her expression.I can tell and I know he can too that she is at loss of words , with Avy's personality she attract boys like flower to bees she have been approached by innumerous men of all ages but none of them were that forward and unique, it was her job to leave them speechless with her bold words not the other way round and it amuses me  a bit , oh who am I kidding it's bell of a show to watch . He leaned forward and whispered something in her ear she shuddered a bit and then politely asked her . " I would like an answer now Miss Ava ". She looked at me then him, then me then him and she finally answered with a equally polite smile.  " I would have but I'm here with Sera and I'm not gonna leave her alone. "Yes you will Ava you know I'm not liking this place and after a mojito or two I am leaving, I just wanted to try it out and I have".  I told her . "I won't". " Please Ava , I want to check out this gaming centre in this hotel , I'm going to go there,  okay ,Now go". She reluctantly nodded and hugged me Pietro mouthed three  words "Thank you beautiful " guiding Ava towards the booth on second floor and I smiled sighing I really see some delicious chemistry cooking there " one watermelon mojito please".

After three mojitos , i really needed to pee , I freshened up and was just minding my business when I felt a wave of fresh air coming from somewhere,  in
desparate need of some fresh air  I started looking towards the source,  yes you can be desparate for fresh air after spending time in a room full of sweaty people rubbing their body on each other,  I don't understand some dance steps at all, when I really looked hard there was door a bit opened I thought it's a exit way for people who aren't staying in the hotel or something and moved fueled by my need and stepped outside and  suddenly everything went black .

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