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Sera POV

" No I don't have a problem I already said I'm yours body and soul but I do want a wedding gift ". I said and he looked at me, good god he's good at making poker faces "What do you want?". " Promise me you won't back down if you did there will be no marriage ". He nodded " Just fucking ask already there's nothing boss can't give you Sis". Luigi said and we both looked at him with a shut up look"Won't do it again " he said, everybody else were looking intently at me " Oreo Promise me first". " A what now ??" Pietro said , these people don't know the meaning of privacy , I ignored him even Rigo was looking a bit amused " What do you want Sera , I promise you to give that ". He said with a deep serious that's a voice that could command me to jump in front of truck and I'll do that
" Oreo Promise??". He nodded " Yeah Oreo Promise or any other cookie Promise you want " he said looking at me urging me to go on , I'm so glad he's not freaking out at me " Amerigo Greco I will give myself to you fully anytime, anywhere, anyhow you want but you will respect this marriage, it's a sacred bond for me Amerigo, very pure and soulful , you will not break this by sleeping with anybody else , I won't tolerate that ". He didn't say a word for good minutes.

" I asked you to be my wife for a reason that being I have to have a wife to fully claim the throne, A queen is needed by king for his reputation, a ethnicity and culture .I'm not bound to do anything and I can easily have any other girl to be my wife , You are too innocent to be a Mafia Queen anyways". He said and my heart sank , so this is it...."But you are already here , well acquainted with my men and Martha, you are already mine so why not make it clear for any other fucker out there who wants you that you are the sole property of Amerigo fucking Greco ". So he means that...he agrees " Besides I did make an Oreo Promise to you ". He said smirking and I couldn't help myself from jumping onto him and hugging him hard. " Thankyou ". I said and it took a moment before he lightly hugged me back .

"Pietro make arrangements for the wedding it will take place in a month". He said and Pietro nodded enthusiastically , everybody gave me smile, I couldn't believe it , I...was getting married suddenly my mom, Ava and Uncle Mark came to my mind , my dreams of being a cardiologist striked me hard and again I got the reason for why I'm marrying him , he understands me better than myself " Enough chatters, Your college is going to start in next few days go prepare for it ". He said and started walking out and I was confused.
"How do you know?". " I know everything Squirrel, you'll be joining your classes online from Monday , the books are here already go check them,Gabe you come with me ". Gabe stood up immediately , he was about to turn around when he called " Sera ". " Yes?" I asked " I'm going to do some work and I expect you to be in the bedroom when I come back in the evening ". He smirked and went off with Gabe, He had to say that didn't he , he seems to really like Miss tomato.

I looked at the rest of them and they had a stupid grin " You all knew about everything didn't you ?". " Well I wouldn't say everything but yes we had a idea the very day you walked out alive from his office". Pietro said and I wondered what isvit with him and his office "I think she can tame the beast , he's calmer around her ". Jimmy said and I shaked my head. " I like him just the way he is but yeah I would love it if somehow he gets rid of the pain that's bothering him , it's very obvious ". They all smiled sadly, honestly I'm more surprised that why didn't they pondered on my demand but all is well this way too , I'm glad they didn't " It's not our story to tell sisy". Jimmy said" I don't ask you to I know what's it like". I said and sighed when Luigi elbowed me " are a college student, What exactly is your age , you look like a kiddo". I frowned forgetting everything else for a moment." I'm not a Kiddo Mister , I'm twenty ". I said and Bob coughed " Hell you are young". " And you are what ? An old bear?". I asked stuffing my mouth with sweet bread , it's really tasty " Haha if you think I'm old than what do you think is the age of Boss". Excuse me??

" Is he older than you ?? What exactly is his age ?" I asked "I think you should ask him". Pietro said laughing, is he that old? It's not easy to guess his age , he looks very young but he has this dark , intelligent aura around him that comes with a age " Boss messaged me to show you Weapon room if you want, do you ??". Jimmy said. " Maybe some other day , I need to check my modules and study materials, please enjoy the rest of the breakfast ". I said, I knew they didn't ate anything at all because they were too busy ogling me and Amerigo.


I was leaning back on bed with my bed table and books scattered all over the bed and a knock came in my well Rigo's room " Come in its open". I said without looking up from the book of human physiology " Dear you have been reading for whole day, it's evening now you need to eat something or Master Amerigo will not be happy". " He is always in a rainy mood Miss Martha either he's flirting or he is always pointing that gun of his in somebody's head, So he's a dangerous man I understand ". " Do you really??" She asked and I smiled. " He shoots without remorse just for fun, he's a ruthless Mafia King from the stories I have heard ". I said taking up the plate from her without looking at her " And those my dear are not stories ". I finally looked at her. " I know Miss Martha , I know it all ...the way he carries his gun it's so obvious he enjoys it all, he does it for a rush , I've seen that look in his eyes that dark as new moon night look and something tells me to there's a darker space in there , a space that he's hiding, that I haven't seen yet ". She smiled at me,
" And You said yes knowing all that " I smiled , so she knows " Yeah because I am his no matter who he is". " And that won't change". And there he is , my dark king.


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