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Sera POV
"Take our friend here to the black room and provide him our best services Luigi". He didn't kill him, he didn't kill him, I opened my eyes at his voice, Thank God ,  but he did shot him , How the bell can somebody shoot someone like that isn't he afraid of police or law or something , I was continuously looking at Tony this is just so much blood,I wanted  to help Tony my doctor spirit inside me  is screaming at me but I am not able to move , Huh?? why am I not able to move ??? Oh yes my body is just coming out of ham shock !His friend or worker Luigi said something and left the room with struggling Tony. God What did I got myself into .

I wasn't able to understand a single thing Pietro and Amerigo were discussing but I did heard door closing and that's when he took my chin in his hand and l looked at his face. 
" Let me go , please, I won't tell anybody about this , I was leaving this country in a week but I'll leave tomorrow morning if you wish and never come back , just let me go ". I said finally looking into those warm cups of lattes , I could see  his intelligence filled eyes  are carrying some sort of deep pain , it seemed to intensify a bit when  I said those words or maybe it's  just my imagination . Everything was taking a toll on me now , I was tired , tired of everything, I wanted a vacation and here I'm witnessing some gang war , I missing mom , Uncle Mark, Ava , so much have happened in few hours .
" Please ,please, please " I don't even know when I started crying . " Look here, squirrel I can't let you go after what you saw, forget about leaving . You are mine from no on, the sooner you understand it the better , so stop crying it is not gonna get you out of here ". He said , now I was desparate to leave this place and have some sleep and leave Bolonga for good .
" Please Amerigo , I promise not to tell anybody and leave this place right now if got the flight, just give me a chance ".  "Hell , will you just stop crying, look I do not cajole baby squirrels and I definitely don't give chances but since I grasped your throat without any reason, I'm willing to give you one , Go ". Did he just called me squirrel oh no I'm so tired that I am hearing things , I looked at him more like at his chest , not my fault he is so ham tall , he has such a broad chest  and then I realised he said I can go .
" What ???". " Go , or do you want to check me out more , should I remove my shirt too , so you can get a better view ". He said " Huhh?? Ohnonono , sorry sorry, I am going". I didn't realised what was I doing  I was at the door leaving when he called me , I looked at him confused
"Sera, don't ever show your face to me again , I won't let you go next time , never ever , Understood? " He doesn't even want to see my face,  I nodded  " I need words Squirrel". He wouldn't let me go next time, he will kill me , for some reason it hurted,  " Never ever Amerigo , never ever ". I wasn't sure our paths will cross or not but I was sure about one thing and that being he did called me a squirrel , A smile crept on my face thinking about that before I could stop it


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