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Sera POV

" I'll die like this!". "You are exaggerating my dear"." No I'm not Miss Martha!". Just one call, only one ham call from Rigo and the college's Dean himself scheduled all my  current classes for next month...I have to sit here idle , doing nothing at all For.A.Complete.Month!

No-one here is even letting me lift a finger and treating me like a... like a... like a toddler! I have a babysitter too! Though he was busy this whole week, he made sure I had Pietro by my side at all times! For the past week he had been following me everywhere. He's not just following me but taking care of my diet , my medicines and my sleep...I can't believe this!!!

" You need rest dear". "I had been resting for whole week and you won't let me help in kitchen". " You want him to kill us?". " Now you are exaggerating Pietro!". "Naive Sera... He's Rigo for you , for us he's still the hardass King and boss". Umm...Okay? "Your cheeks are redder than these strawberries right now...haha!"."Stop teasing her Pietro!". This is what he does always teasing me about Rigo, as if Rigo himself wasn't enough for that.

"Why don't you call your  friend?". He said out of nowhere and I frowned...What does he mean by my friend..."She has a name"." I don't really remember".  I really thought they could atleast be good friends...that day he seemed fascinated by her and now...he doesn't even remember her name? Nice joke..." I don't know what happened between you two that day.. but please try to respect the fact that Ava is one of the most important person in my life".

"I can't promise Sera but I will try...". That's good enough...I mean let's face it they aren't the guys who usually care about what others feel, it's only their love and respect for Rigo that they accepted and respected me as their sister..."So...why won't you call her as you are so bored?". "She's busy Pietro, she just shifted to London... it's a huge change already, I can't burden her with everything going in my life". Besides she has already dealt with enough for me...

I felt the environment getting tense and I immediately changed the subject "And that's why I was asking Miss Martha to let me help her!". And the plan worked " You have a wedding in three weeks sweets go and Select wedding dresses if you want although Master have hired a designer but you can always surf on those online websites for shopping ".

Yeah... I'm getting all this chaos the thought escaped my mind...but now as I think about it , I don't know if I should be happy or sad... I want to dance on clouds that I'm marrying him at the same uncle, Ava and my much is already going on , I'm angry at mom and uncle and can't help but care about my dad too...I want them here...I want Ava here...

"Hey if you don't like online shopping don't do it". Pietro said... probably got a read at my expression " It's just...I suddenly remembered about the library here you told me about...I needed some books...". I feel tired and lousy all of sudden..."Are you okay? Does anything hurts?". He asked with a serious face and I smiled to assure him everything is fine..."I'm okay...I think.. I'm really... really bored that's all...I could use few novels". He nodded and although he guided me to the library  without asking any questions I know he isn't convinced by my answers.

"I'll just go in and bring out the books". "I'm right here if you need me". He said and stood outside of the door "Of course". I smiled that he understood I needed few minutes alone...and as soon as I got... his unique smell engulfed me in a warm hug...I forgot everyother thing and a smile formed on my lips automatically.

I haven't seen him in two days as he is quite busy with his freshly launched car production...he comes in late and leaves early and despite trying hard I am not able to stay awake to greet him...I accept it or not my head does makes me weak. I really miss him..." I miss you...".

" I missed you too". I jerked at the sound of that voice..., it was deep and rough....A cold shiver ran down my spine...I don't know anyone who is the owner of such roar like voice and out of instincts I tried to shout out for Pietro but a hand covered my mouth tightly and I started punching and jumping in air trying to get his hand out of my face but another hand grasped my body. I was fully trapped in his arms , there wasn't a way out...Man he's strong! I have seen it in movies... Am I going to die??? Have all my luck stars went on vacation in farm? First the garden and now this!

"We have to do a lot of work on you...she didn't even taught you the basic self defence". He said After a minute while I was constantly trying to free myself  from his arms but he was too strong....who the bell is he? I am not even able to make a little noise with his hand on my mouth  "We have a lot to talk about and that bastard must be already on his way... I am bound to do this... it will hurt justtt...a little ". He said and before I could understand what's he talking about, I felt a pinching pain in my neck....


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