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Amerigo POV

"AMERIGO!!!" . " Yes?" I asked her with a neutral expression , my blood still boils when I think about her crying face telling me she wanted to leave , no matter what she said after " Why did you leave me like that ?". " You wanted to leave  first didn't you?". Embarrassed now , I see " I misinterpreted your words, I thought....". " I don't care what you thought, a punishment was in order as soon as those words left your delectable mouth believe me it could have been worse if you didn't had admitted all that in front my men and yourself later ".I was so angry that I wanted to fuck her soul so that she could know who she belongs to but she's not ready yet, Precious deserves a better way to lose her virginity ." I'm sorry Rigo I won't do it again " I could see it in her eyes that she's had given up on escaping me. She looks so vulnerable right now.

" I know, your body craves me precious, you can't leave even if you want to". Miss tomato came back , good I like it.  I switched off the lights " Eeeppp!! What are you doing?". " Sleeping". " Isn't this my room ?". I still feel shivers when she says my name " It is my room , now sleep squirrel". She didn't said anything and wrapped her arms around my bare torso " Okay, Good night Rigo" she said almost sighing. It was wierd having somebody so close, it feels fucking too wierd but the jasmine fragrance is too nice to leave.

I don't know I'm still confused about everything but what I'm not confused about is that she's is in pain I know this ,the way she cried was not only because of words , our words which I don't know how triggered something , something worse , I could only see red when I think about the fucker who did that to her , his days on earth are limited.

Her breathing was even now and she was snoring a bit " The fucker will face a pain ten times more than you , I promise
He or she doesn't matters the  bastard will be sorry that his mother ever  opened her legs even to conceive that piece of shit" I kissed her forehead and got out of bed trying not to disturb her . I'm not much of a sleeper , I'm a monster night and darkness are two things that I crave .

" Boss what's the plan?". Luigi asked seriously " No plan , we don't need it right now just update the house security camera system Bob , rest of you get back to your normal schedules ". They nodded but didn't leave" Leave or I'll be very much glad to make you leave the damn earth". " Yup still the same ".Gabe said " I thought Sera changed him but no not even a bit " Bob said with a hint of smile and my hands are already on my gun,one more idiotic line and..." Yes that means let's go , Sera is not here like before, there will be another shootout in a second". Pietro said and everybody ran out with their tail between their legs except him.

" You have changed you know? Hell,We all have , she's good for us but are we for her Amerigo? She's too innocent to be involved in a world like this don't get me wrong it's more lively here with have to understand she's amazing to be a queen but...not in this situation of war"
I understood what's he trying to say , he's worried about her safety , I sighed and moved towards door and opened it and eggheads came falling down on each other " Whoa..". Luigi landed on top of Bob " Shit get off me you fatass " Bob shouted " Gabe man Please don't fart on my face ". Luigi said to Gabe whose butt was smashed in Luigi's face and on the top of them all was Jimmy who just looked at me gulping " Boss don't shoot we just wanted to know what's going on actually". He quickly got up and after hearing his words everybody muttered something, I got back on my seat and motioned them to sit , What else in the hell I could do  to that ??? .

" Boss don't send us to Black room please we were curious that's all ". Gabe said and they all gave  a horrified look at that
" I have more important issues than this right now ". They all sighed in relief which will be lost in air as soon as I tell them everything " She's Anderson's daughter ". " WHAT??? That fucker produced something like giving q cavities sweet Sera ??" The whole group had a similar reaction to Luigi. 
" I see , she doesn't know does she ??". Pietro asked calm as always "No , she probably thinks her dad is dead as she mentioned in her applications to NYC college". " It Doesn't matters now, she's our Queen and we will protect her ".
"I don't know if he wants to harm her or not but the fucker wants to take her and that reason is alone is enough to blow his big head ". I said.   " You should tell her ". Pietro said " Doesn't matters, she already thinks he's dead ". Pietro frowned and said " You still should tell her she's not just your possession but a Queen she have every right to know and I don't think she knows that too ". Damn..he is right " Look Boss she's like our sister and we will protect her with our lives but even I think she deserves to know". Jimmy said and everybody else nodded " Anderson's a very possesive man how the hell did he left his daughter alone , It's hard to believe, no matter how much of a cold blood killer he was he loved his family, every single mafia knows it and what's with the sudden change of heart?". " I know all that and I may know the reason too but for now he needs to understand that Sera is part of Red Rose Mafia and my belonging , That's it get lost all of you now ". They left immediately nodding, must have seen my expression was deadly , I don't care if he is his father, I don't care he set on destroying Mafia the only reason he's going to die is because  he dared even to think about taking what's mine.


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