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Sera POV
I am waiting in the lounge at the airport
in Venice , it's 12 in the noon now apparently my dear Ava didn't checked that there was a difference of 5 hours in connecting flights,  well desparate times calls for desparate measures atleast I'm not in Bolonga anymore, I've been waiting here for past two hours , had  4 doughnuts and 2 coffees and going to have a  croissant , my mother do says  and I quote 'I don't know where do you store all that food Se Se '  what can I say I love my food .

I was having my delicious choco  filled croissant and thinking about how am I going to lie to mother about leaving for campus earlier than expected , it's already really hard to lie at all and trying to pull that lie in front of mother ohhhh it's going to be harder then any tests, it was possible with Ava because she was tired and tipsy but bell even with bucket of drinks  and all , its impossible with mom,
Miss Rosa Clark is just so good at reading people .

My phone pinged bringing me out of my thoughts text from Ava , finally she decided to wake up now .

Aves 💜 : Where are you?

Sera : Venice

Aves 💜: Still there??

Sera : Gap of 5 hours between the flights

Aves 💜: Shit, maybe I forgot to read that detail .Sorry  Se

Sera: Hey.. it's ok , something is better than nothing , no?

Aves💜 : Okay my phone will be a dead corpse in a minute, text me the name of gaming centre you went to last night, fast Sera !!!

Ohh , that's why I don't lie, you need a  million of them just to cover the first one , I was about to say something when she went offline, oh my croissant!!we just got saved by a dead battery. Pheww
I sighed taking a bite of my croissant, food just makes everything bett...
Wait I know that voice, I can never forget this voice , same bittersweet dark chocolaty voice, I frantically started looking around , Is he here ?, No he can't be , he's in Bolonga .

I was searching the whole ham place and then I saw him , I took a sigh of relief he is on TV , wait wait wait HE IS ON TV !!!  How the bell he is on TV casually giving an interview ? Isn't he a gangster , why is he smiling ?? That's a  perfect smile , not too much not too less just perfect, definitely a swoon worthy smile, he is speaking something in italian but he sounds so what does Ava says? Yeah!! Sexy .

Only by looking at him I'm feeling a new surge of rush , he looks so good with that perfect smile , a bit messed up hair with a perfectly fitted black suit, his arms are so muscular, I had the opportunity to feel it when he held me by throat, the way those eyes looked at me, oh God what's happening to me ???

I think I know, after all I'm going to be a doctor but I can't believe I can get aroused just by looking at him but what can I do he is ham definition of Perfectionism from top to bottom,  he must have broke several hearts annndd must have shot them too . Why is he sitting there like , he owns the world , aren't they arresting him , he is a criminal for doughnut's sake.

It's irritating me... being not able to understand a single thing they are talking about , I need to know otherwise the curiosity will kill me for sure . I started looking for the waiter that served me , I'm sure he can tell me something  well most of the people here do seem to know English, In the hotel , the airport anywhere here  language wasn't a issue, It was a bit cracked yes but they could understand what was I saying

" Do you need something else" I am  used to the accent now " Uhh.. I just wanted to know who's that guy and what are they talking about? "." Ohh you don't know him he's Mr. Amerigo Greco he's among the top 10 richest person in the world and top youngest billionaire ". Okay that wasn't what I expected.  " Right now he is talking about the new automatic car he is launching next month, Definitely Italy's Pride". " Is he  in Venice ?? " . This is the question that's eating me."Probably no  it's not live it's recorded yesterday maybe,  or this morning he's a busy man , he lives in Bolonga but don't stay at a place for long, free bird you know. Anything else I can help you with , do you want me switch on the subtitles ". " Oh no , no need , Thank you just a sprinkle choco doughnut and a  frappuccino"

Okay Sera he is not here calm down now that's so much sugar already but  sugar calms me down just the way milk calms the kid ." Attention passengers flight 209 would be  leaving for Florida in 30 minutes, please report at Gate no . 4 , Thank you " no need to stress out  just half an hour more Sera then 5 years  in college and then saving lives and fun with Ava  rest of the life , no club , no shooting, no gun , no Italy and no Amerigo , Amerigo... Amerigo... Rigo... Repeating his name feels like eating candies , sweet hehehe.. and I stuffed a large portion of doughnut in my mouth.


I shouldn't have drank all that coffee
15 minutes left in flight take off and I'm looking for washroom. Where is it?  , where is  it? " Ahhaa!! " I quickly went into the washroom , oh holy doughnuts what a relief , I was washing my hands ,  nobody else  was in the washroom probably boarding the flight now , it was quiet , too quiet for my comfort and then out of nowhere disheveled man stumbled in washroom  "Sir , this is  ladies washroom, you need to leave".        

" Please Miss , help me!! they're going to kill me ". He looked so troubled...that I couldn't stop myself, my inner doctor making an appearance took his shoulders in my hands , I'm getting late but he needs me..." Calm down okay , calm down breath , yes deep breaths , now tell me who's going to kil..." the door busted open cutting me off and the answer to my unfinished question came in .


Just you Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon