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Amerigo POV
" had idea". Robert said and I looked at these "One damn work ! You had one damn work, that is to ensure nobody in the family forget to enter the code before going in and....". I closed my eyes to calm myself down because of I didn't this would be over soon. Due to these men my squirrel is lying there....

I punched them hard  on their faces and he coughed up blood and instantly knocked out " Bob wake this shit up , Bloody babies can't even take a punch, Are they fucking trainees? ". " Boss let's not blame the men for your punch, the way you did it , it would have knocked me out too but these Morons deserves     it  "  Bob said grabbing the  bucket of water and threw it on them and slapped them hard on both faces.

After a few minutes Geth came to senses first and after him Robert "Boss... please we won't repeat the mistake". Geth said and this time I asked Bob to punch him because I really am not in the mood to waste time, I want to go back to Sera and Of course they won't repeat the mistake, they would be dead to do that.I really wish I could kill them right this moment but like everybody else he deserves a fair chance to save his life "Robert and Geth just for the sake of my principles  Death or game? ". I asked and Geth breathed in " Boss...I really didn't meant for all this to happen but I would like a peaceful death, so just shoot me ".

I nodded but I don't care about what he meant or what he didn't so without waiting for a second I shot him straight in the head " Robert?". " Game ". That's the damn thing I wanted to hear, I want to insinuate as much pain I can on him and I have perfect way "So Robert have you heard of an Escape room?". Sweat is dripping down his face due to fear "Yes...". I nodded and my body now is  craving his blood to seep from his mouth, my Sera...." You have  to escape the very Garden in fifteen minutes with a blind fold, you have to find a way out, if you didn't you know what happens in garden ".His face lost all colors , it's already very difficult to remember the full garden it's like a maze, one can't find a way out with both eyes open in broad daylight muchless with a blind fold in this dark, not fair I know but a chance indeed and life isn't fair .

"Boss please shoot me!! BOSS! NO NO".
"Oh shut the fuck up you chose this". Bob said he took the fucker into the garden and I was going to Sera when Martha called me "Master?". I turned around
" Master she'll be fine, she's a tough cookie but you have to eat something you haven't ate anything since morning". Actually I did with... Precious..., the pie ... it's been so long that someone made something for me and for no reason at all was heavenly.... she's heavenly..     " I'm not hungry, I did ate something ask the rest of them to continue". " They are all saying the same thing ". " What the hell I can do if the eggheads are refusing their meal? It's not my concern but do tell them if they refused to eat I'll feed them my bullets personally ". I said and left to meet my squirrel.

When I came in the room, the strong smell of medicines immediately hit me but there was still a lingering smell of Jasmine, it's not a rocket science guessing where is it coming from? I want more of it, I sat near her on the bed careful to not  disturb these things they have attached with her , the bed was big enough for both us even in this condition and after making myself comfortable I inhaled her scent, it was the first thing that attracted me to her on first place, the fragrance reminds me of the days when things weren't this darker  for some reason it makes me feel lighter.

My blood is boiling again thinking about those good for no use guards and I opened my iPad to see him , he was already at the verge of dying.. struggling for every single breath... my Sera is struggled too... he has removed his blindfold and tears are running down from his blood red eyes.... It's giving me a satisfaction, a contentment,I want him to struggle more... and more... he continued to kick in air for few more minutes  before he died....and I took a satisfied breath before I looked at my precious again and all the anger disappeared, like it was never there before " How do you do that? You can be really dangerous for my buisness,you know? " I said and poked her  slight chubby cheeks with my finger and she squinted her nose a bit "Haha, damn squirrel You definitely are a tough one but you don't even know what you did today you nutcase...I was scared.,..for you...I'm a fucking Greco I have never been scared in my whole life except one time and now you made me feel that idiotic scary feeling again .I don't like it one bit so , Never do that again squirrel or I'll have to literally lock you in a bunker ".

I took her soft as cotton ball hands in mine and closed my eyes and this time no guns , no memories of past , no blood and  no troubled faces crossed before my eyes rather there was a certain squirrel's laughing face. Sleep took over me and her relaxing aroma of Jasmine soothed me.


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